Cobotization of B2B Marketing Processes

The development of B2B marketing cobots expanded the possibilities for generating leads and influencing buying decisions. These cobots are a consequence of the discovery that human actions are driven by the concepts people have in their minds and that buying decisions are driven by the concepts people have about what they are acquiring.

To avoid dysfunctional reactions, the approach to concepts requires developing binary actions, which are two synchronized actions that aim at the concept customers have in their minds.

These synchronized actions have two functions: on the hand, they open possibilities in the mind of the buyer and, on the other hand, they satisfy their needs.

Backward Integration Cobots

The backward integration cobots provide the information on the segments that are being approached, the marketing objects that will be used and the sequence of the actions that need to be done to generate leads or influence buying decision. These marketing objects include:

  1. Catalyzing Objects: that open possibilities and accelerate buying decisions.
  2. Commercial Objects: that install ideas in the mind of the potential customers.
  3. Semantic Objects: that install meaningful knowledge in the market.
  4. Semiotic Objects: that guide and influence buying processes.
  5. Branding Objects: that have power to influence buying decisions.

Backward integration marketing cobots include the logical rules that allow managing the concepts the potential customers have in mind and use Unicist AI to establish the adaptive binary actions that need to be developed.

Forward Integration Cobots

The forward integration cobots communicate with the market, manage their feedback, and provide adaptive automation in marketing processes. They use the information provided by the backward integration cobot and develop the binary actions that are needed to generate results. They include:

  1. An automation module that integrates the different functions of the marketing process.
  2. A communication and quality assurance module that ensures the functionality of the process.
  3. A learning module that drives the upgrade of the marketing processes.

The use of cobots in B2B Marketing significantly expands the scope of actions and ensures the quality of the relationships that are built while it generates results.


Unicist Innovation Center – A Sharing Space
The Unicist Research Institute

NOTE: We invite you to invite your children or the children of your friends to participate in the “Empower your Freedom” program, that works as a catalyst for abductive reasoning processes. It is a non-profit program that has been designed for teenagers from 14 to 17 years old. This program demands 1-hour a week (including the 20-minute session on TWITCH). Access
