Framework of the Market Catalyzing Method

Catalysts are possibilities openers and process accelerators. Marketing catalysts have been used ever since people had to produce results in business, social, and political marketing. The simplest way of using catalysts is by discovering the influence of external facts on certain actions that want to be performed and using them to influence the acceptance by the environment.

Basically, it can be said that marketing catalysts are business objects that build a context for the actions being influenced that must be consistent with the environment to be acceptable..

Catalysts are entities necessary for the functioning of adaptive systems and environments. While chemical catalysts reduce the energy required to initiate a reaction, social and marketing catalysts create a framework that opens possibilities and accelerates processes. The purpose of these catalysts is defined by the influence they exert. The active function concerns the precision in the timing of actions, and the energy conservation function pertains to their ability to identify latent needs and transform them into urgent ones..

The Need of Behavioral Catalysts in Marketing

The research on the root causes of the success and failure of the market expansion of startups developed at The Unicist Research Institute confirmed that 100% of the successful marketing strategies were sustained by behavioral catalysts, while 100% of the failures had insufficient catalysts.

This demonstrated that the success of sustainable marketing strategies in innovative, supply-driven, or highly competitive markets depends on the use of behavioral catalysts. These catalysts might be entities that exist in the environment or catalyzing objects that are built by the companies.

Unicist Social Catalysts in Adaptive Environments

Unicist Social Catalysts foster growth and ensure the survival of adaptive environments in the social, economic, and organizational fields. They need to be used in all adaptive business processes to ensure their functionality. Social catalysts need to preexist before an adaptive system is activated.

Their use is dysfunctional when they are installed after an adaptive system is working They have to fulfill three roles in order to be able to sustain the expansion of adaptive systems:

  1. They have to share a vital space, which implies that they provide and share a vital space with the adaptive system they sustain.
  2. They have to accelerate the processes of the system in order to ensure the synchronicity of the actions to ensure the functionality, dynamics, and evolution of the system.
  3. They have to introduce a superior level of efficiency in an adaptive system which diminishes the required level of efficacy that needs to be developed.

The building of social catalysts is extremely difficult because they need to be consistent with the requirements of the wide context and satisfy not only the urgent and structural needs of the system but also satisfy the latent needs that are part of what is possible to be achieved. 

About Unicist Marketing Catalysts

Catalysts are process accelerators. Marketing catalysts have been used ever since people had to produce results in business, social, and political marketing. The simplest way of using catalysts is by discovering the influence of external facts on certain actions that want to be performed and using them to influence the acceptance by the environment.

Behavioral Catalysts
Behavioral catalysts are needed to ensure the sustainability of marketing processes. The expansion of possibilities and acceleration of processes they produce depend on the specificity of the catalysts. There are generic, systemic, specific, and conjunctural catalysts. The more conjuncture-oriented the catalysts are, the higher the level of expansion and acceleration they produce and the shorter their lifecycle is.

Technologies, threats, installed myths, new utopias, brand attributes, ideologies, influencers, etc. are examples of catalysts that are commonly used. This implies that the use of catalysts is an accepted practice by those who need to influence the environment to achieve results.

The discovery of the behavioral catalysts made by Peter Belohlavek at The Unicist Research Institute, allowed the development of the unicist evolutionary approach to business, which is the model that allows profiting from the 4th Industrial Revolution, in the Era of AI and developing adaptive digitization. 

The research on biological and behavioral catalysts demonstrated that all adaptive systems need to use catalysts to be alive (living beings) or sustainable (social entities).

The Building of Catalyzing Objects

This research allowed finding the structure of catalysts and their functionality, which allowed going beyond the use of preexisting catalysts, and building catalysts to ensure the functionality and acceleration of adaptive processes whatever their kind.

Basically, it can be said that marketing catalysts are business objects that build a context for the actions that are being influenced that has to be consistent with the environment in order to be acceptable.

The unicist evolutionary approach to business includes the use of catalysts as one of its core aspects in order to accelerate the speed of processes to foster growth, profitability and sustainability.

The Functionality of Catalysts in Businesses

The research made at The Unicist Research Institute demonstrated that the evolution of living beings, social entities, and businesses require the use of catalysts. Therefore, the success of sustainable marketing fully depends on the use of catalysts.

While 100% of the successful marketing actions were sustained by catalysts, 100% of the failures had insufficient catalysts. The use of catalysts is a must in marketing.

Social Catalysts

Catalysts are objects that are naturally integrated within any living being. Among the most well-known catalysts in biology are the enzymes that catalyze multiple processes to ensure the survival and evolution of living beings. 

One differentiated characteristic of behavioral catalysts is that they need to achieve the necessary threshold of energy to influence the environment.

Catalysts are Process Accelerators

Behavioral catalysts are process accelerators that ensure the functionality and evolution of adaptive systems of any kind. The concept of behavioral catalysts applies to social, economic, and political evolution, to the functionality of any kind of community or institution and businesses.

The 4th Industrial Revolution introduced the concept of adaptiveness in the industrial, economic, and social world. This increases notoriously the market orientation but demands managing environments as adaptive systems, which require the use of catalysts to ensure their functionality and evolution.

Some of the companies that use business objects and catalysts are: Airbus, Amazon, Apple, BBC, Boeing, Dassault Systemes, Dupont, Ericsson, Facebook, General Electric, Google, Hilton, Honda, Hyundai, LinkedIn, Lufthansa, Mapfre, Mayo Clinic, Michelin, Novartis, Open Text, P&G, Pfizer, SAP, Siemens, Tata Motors, Toyota, Unilever, Walmart, Walt Disney World and Youtube.

Levels of Acceleration

The levels of acceleration catalysts introduce in processes, depend on the specificity of their functions.

a) Generic Catalysts deal with the functionality of institutions or organizations. Their expansion and acceleration is (+).
b) Systemic Catalysts deal with the functionality of functions and roles. Their expansion and acceleration is (++).
c) Specific Catalysts deal with the functionality of processes. Their expansion and acceleration is (+++).
d) Conjunctural Catalysts deal with the functionality of conjuncture driven processes. Their expansion and acceleration is (++++).

Catalysts accelerate social and business processes. The functionality of catalysts requires that their work be “redundant” with the causes of the problem they solve. 

Catalysts have to be consistent with the wide context of the environment and consistent with the causes they solve. That is why they are functional as long as they are consistent.

Alliances and Co-marketing as Catalysts

Alliances and Co-marketing processes might work as univocal catalysts where one of the parts catalyzes the other part or biunivocal catalysts where both parts catalyze each other. It has to be considered that most of the catalysts are used to accelerate specific aspects of business processes.

Example: Advertising as a Catalyst

Catalysts are needed to ensure the achievement of goals in adaptive environments. The more differentiated the action of an individual or organization, the more influence is needed to adapt in an environment.

Advertising, as a concept, is a communication to promote or sell a product, service or idea. It adopts many shapes according to the circumstances. Advertising is a univocal communication in an adaptive environment that fully depends on the functionality of its content and its aesthetics, to be successful. For example, it might be a non-personal communication or a personal communication.

Advertising as a Catalyst

Advertising can work as a driver of actions or can be designed as a catalyst for actions. Both concepts differ in their way to achieve results. When advertising is a “driver”, the language should be operational or analytical. When it works as a catalyst, the language has to be ambiguous and the receptors must decide which interpretation suits their needs.

The research through real applications at The Unicist Research Institute, drove to the development of the following types of advertising catalysts:

  • That Solve Implicit Weaknesses: These ads accelerate the buying decision process by avoiding dysfunctional objections.
  • Conceptual: These catalysts install a new concept in the mind of receptors based on the expansion of the boundaries of existing concepts.
  • Categorical: These ads expand the boundaries of accepted categories ensuring their functionality to fulfill the needs of the receptor.
  • Conjunctural: They are based on the concepts that underlie urgencies which accelerates buying processes.

Advertising can be designed as a “driver”, which is the most commonly used type of communication, or it can be designed as a catalyst, which is needed in order to introduce significant differentiations and innovations.

The Unicist Research Institute
