Unicist binary actions are synchronized actions that ensure the generation of results in marketing processes by matching the concepts the potential buyers have in their minds. These binary actions always include the use of catalysts to open spaces and accelerate processes.
“For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” This is a law of physics that also applies to social and business behavior. The popular name for this reaction is “change resistance”. The development of commercial binary actions avoids the reactions by focusing on the concept the potential customers have in their minds.
The discovery that human adaptive actions are driven by the concept people have, showed a way to introduce changes by developing maximal and minimum strategy actions that fit into the purpose of the concept people have.
Marketing is an adaptive process that requires using a strategic approach, which includes developing maximal strategies to grow and minimum strategies to ensure results. Commercial binary actions are the actions that transform these two strategies into results.
Commercial binary actions are two synchronized actions that are developed to accelerate market growth by managing actions to install maximal strategies to grow and minimum strategies to ensure results.
Binary actions empower the value of processes while they diminish their costs. They use catalysts to expand the boundaries of solutions and business objects to accelerate processes and ensure their functionality.
Universal Example:
The Triadic Functional Structure & Binary Actions of Airplanes
The purpose of flying an airplane can be considered to move from one airport to another.
The active function is given by their propulsion and the energy conservation function is given by the lift provided by the wings.
The binary actions to make an airplane fly begin by producing the propulsion that generates the necessary speed of the airflow on the wings of the airplane to generate the lift.
Binary Actions in Everyday Life
Binary actions are part of human adaptive behavior. They also exist in the behavior of animals. A binary action is an action that maximizes the achievement of results by using the influence of the environment to do something. Humans also have the possibility of building artificial contexts that allow developing binary actions.
Using the context or generating an artificial context to do things is part of the natural human intelligence. The core is being able to anticipate the consequences of what is happening in the context.
There are 2 levels and 4 types of Unicist Binary Actions
The UBAs include two levels of actions:
- Level a) that deals with the expansion of boundaries, which drives the maximal strategy of a function or object.
- Level b) that deals with the assurance of results that drives the minimum strategy of a function or object.
According to their functions, there are 4 types of actions:
UBAs 1 – To Catalyze Marketing Process
These UBAs 1 are the initial stage of any influential action in the market. It is required that the restricted context works as a catalyst for the buying decisions.
UBAs 2 – To Expand the Boundaries to Foster Growth
The UBAs 2 deal with the maximal strategy that drives the expansion of the boundaries of the possibilities for the potential customers. They are necessary when there are possibilities that are unknown by the customers.
UBAs 3 – To Ensure Results
The UBAs3 deal with the minimum strategy to ensure results. UBA 3 are focused on closing processes. They might close sales, generate leads, or whatever their objective is.
UBAs 4 – To Influence Buying Arguments
The UBAs4 are the synthesis of the integration of the context with the maximal strategies and the minimum strategies described before.
The unicist functional design methodology was developed to build solutions in adaptive environments. It is a functional approach to the structure of processes that allows designing binary actions, business objects, catalysts, intelligent systems, and cobots.