Intelligent Marketing Cobots

Unicist Intelligent Marketing Cobots are collaborative robots that manage the functionality and operation of marketing processes. Their process is based on the use of binary actions to influence buying decisions.

B2C and B2B markets require different types of processes. Cobots apply to virtual, face-to-face and store marketing processes.

The intelligent marketing cobots became possible due to the development of the Unicist AI, which is a fundamentals-based AI, and the use of binary actions installed in marketing objects that ensure the generation of results. Cobots are based on the functional rules of the unicist logic to build functional solutions.

In marketing, there are two possible uses:

  1. Backward integration cobots, to sustain the marketing decision processes.
  2. Forward integration cobots, to transform decisions into intelligent automated actions.

The Unicist AI manages the different aspects that are part of marketing processes. They are based on a functionalist approach to marketing.

Cobots use the functional structure of specific markets, indicators and predictors to adapt, and the logical rules of the Unicist AI. When big data of potential customers are available, these cobots include data-based AI as a complement to fundamentals-based AI.

Unicist cobots enhance marketing effectiveness. According to their use, they include different levels of adaptability and intelligence, but all types of cobots include the delivery of the necessary functional knowledge.

Marketing Cobots to increase the Speed of Growth

The purpose of Cobots is to be able to generate client centered processes that ensure results by being customer oriented through the assurance of added value. This purpose is achieved through the support of both the efficacy of work processes and their efficiency.

This customer orientation implies knowing the structural, urgent and latent needs of customers and requires managing each segment as a universe to ensure customer value and generate bestsellers that fulfill the needs of both the customers and the company.

B2B Selling Cobots

Based on the use of Adaptive Automation

B2B selling Cobots introduce adaptive automation in selling and CRM processes. They use the segmentation of B2B markets and the selling arguments of the value propositions to generate the possibility of developing virtual meetings between providers and prospects.

These cobots are based on the ontogenetic maps of selling processes, of buying processes and of interest generating actions. They include the maps of relationship processes to open new customers.

The adaptive automation processes are based on the use of binary actions to generate interest in the value proposition based on the differentiation of products and the use of catalysts.  (Binary actions are two synchronized action that aim at a same purpose.)

B2B Lead Generation Cobots

Using Adaptive Automation to Position as First Choice

B2B Lead Generation Cobots introduce adaptive automation in marketing and CRM processes. They manage the segmentation of B2B markets, the buying argument of the value propositions, and their competitive advantages.

These cobots are based on the ontogenetic maps of the products and services that are being managed, of the buying processes, and of the marketing strategy that is being used. They include the maps of the context of the buying processes.  

The adaptive automation processes are based on the use of binary actions to generate first choice positioning. Cobots use marketing catalysts to expand markets and commercial and semantic objects to influence the market.

B2C Marketing Cobots

Using Conceptual Segmentation and Social Networks

B2C marketing Cobots introduce adaptive automation in marketing processes. They have been developed to manage social network-based marketing processes. They are based on introducing products / services as a first-choice alternative.

These cobots use the ontogenetic maps of the products or services and integrate them with the ontogenetic maps of the social networks that are used to develop the functional structure of the marketing processes.

They use catalysts and commercial, semantic and semiotic objects to develop binary actions that generate the necessary positioning of the products / services to make e-commerce successful.

B2C CRM / CDP Cobots

Using Cobots to Enhance CRM / CDP Processes

B2C CRM / CDP Cobots introduce adaptive automation in marketing processes. They work as autonomous modules that manage the rules to segment potential buyers and define the marketing objects to be used.

These cobots use the ontogenetic maps of the products / services that are being proposed and integrate them with the marketing and selling maps to define the functionality of processes.

The output of these cobots is the definition of the binary selling actions and the automation of the communication processes to ensure the synchronicity of the actions. The feedback of these actions drives the learning process of the cobot.

Unicist AI to Build Business Cobots & Intelligent Automation

The installation of binary actions in automation processes requires using unicist AI to manage the adaptability and synchronicity. Unicist AI is based on the unicist logic that was developed emulating the intelligence that underlies nature and human intelligence.

Unicist AI is based on the rules of the unicist logic that deals with the functionality of things. It is a fundamentals-based AI that allows managing the functionality of processes of any kind and building intelligent systems and cobots. When necessary, these cobots are installed in mobile applications.

The Use of Rules and Predictors

Fundamentals based AI provides the meaning of data, its integration with data-based AI allows managing processes using adaptive automation.

Fundamentals-based AI uses indicators and predictors both to monitor the functionality of processes and as an input to the inference engine.

It uses the rules of the unicist logic and allows developing solutions and learning from the pilot tests of their implementation until their functionality has been confirmed. Fundamentals-based AI allows automating the use of binary actions, catalysts, business objects, and marketing objects to develop processes of any kind.
