Marketing occurs in the mind of the potential buyer. Therefore, it is necessary to understand how a buying process works before defining a marketing strategy. The discovery that the concepts people store in their long-term memory drive their actions has allowed the development of a comfort zone segmentation model. This model enables the identification of buying arguments and the development of complementary selling arguments to drive buying decisions, while ensuring they fit into the comfort zone of potential buyers.
Concepts define the root causes of buying processes and also lead to the development of marketing objects and catalyzing objects to drive buying decisions using binary actions.
Comfort zone segmentation gives access to the buying argument of potential clients and allows defining clusters that increase notoriously marketing effectiveness. The use of marketing objects and catalysts allows for building an empty space in the market and ensures the functionality of binary actions to influence buying decisions.
Conceptual Marketing became significant with the appearance of the technologies of the 4th Industrial Revolution. Although Conceptual Marketing is extremely effective in all marketing processes, it is unavoidable when it is possible to use the tools of the 4IR.
Some of the companies that use business objects and catalysts are Airbus, Amazon, Apple, BBC, Boeing, Dassault Systemes, Dupont, Ericsson, Facebook, General Electric, Google, Hilton, Honda, Hyundai, LinkedIn, Lufthansa, Mapfre, Mayo Clinic, Michelin, Novartis, Open Text, P&G, Pfizer, SAP, Siemens, Tata Motors, Toyota, Unilever, Walmart, Walt Disney World and Youtube.
Conceptual marketing is based on managing the root causes of buying processes and the use of unicist binary actions, catalysts, and marketing objects to influence and accelerate buying decisions.
Unicist Conceptual Marketing
The objective of unicist conceptual marketing is the generation of prospects. It is based on the building of empty spaces in the market and the implementation of the value propositions as first-choice options. This technology was developed to be applied to differentiated or innovative value propositions and to market in competitive markets.
It requires generating the expectancy of the solutions that satisfy existing needs and latent needs based on an environment of trust and credibility.
The different types of products require the use of different types of marketing models:
- Innovation Marketing to manage innovations that introduce changes in the processes.
- First Choice Marketing to manage differentiated products and services.
- Image-driven Marketing to manage products and services generated by knowledge industries.
- Demonstration-driven Marketing to manage specific differentiated applications.
Unicist Conceptual Selling
The conceptual selling technology was developed to sell differentiated or innovative value propositions. Low-price propositions might be considered differentiated propositions.
Its objective is to generate a buying intention of the prospect. Depending on the type of value propositions the closing process might or not require a personal action. Conceptual selling is based on the preexistence of an empty space that has been opened by the conceptual marketing process.
The Virtual Testing Rooms were developed to experience the use value of differentiated or innovative products/services. Their objective is that the clients be able to emulate some aspect of the solution without needing to buy it.
To be able to do that, it is necessary that the testing rooms establish a pleasant, empowering environment where the prospects can evaluate the solution.
Distribution 4.0
Distribution 4.0, is a distribution model centrally based on virtual communication, that increases the speed of growth of international, regional, and local distribution channels. This model works within the framework of the 4th industrial revolution
Distribution 4.0 is a business model that fosters business and market expansion by developing a forward integration with the market centrally driven by virtual tools.
It applies to businesses that have differentiated products/services and are interested in establishing transparent relationships with the market.
The integration with the market is based on establishing a virtual communication channel and a virtual sharing space where the participants profit from the sharing of innovative experiences.
This sharing is based on peer-to-peer communications with the members of the participating organization considering that this new stage implies enhancing the generation of value.
Unicist Binary Actions (UBAs)
Influencing customers requires using unicist binary actions that include the drivers and catalysts of buying processes. The unicist conceptual marketing approach uses binary actions based on the root causes of buying processes, which are influenced using catalysts.
Binary actions are two synchronized actions that, on the one hand, open possibilities, and on the other hand ensure results. Binary actions ensure fluent communication. Their use allows emulation of the structure of buying processes to manage their dynamics and evolution.
The binary actions require using marketing drivers and catalysts in a synchronic way that accelerates buying processes.
Unicist binary actions are driven by the development of marketing actions according to the segments of the products and services proposed and the segments of buyers.
Unicist Marketing Objects
The unicist marketing technology has been developed to include the use of objects in the buying process in order to ensure the critical mass of the processes.
These objects produce basically three noticeable effects:
- They allow having the necessary critical mass to trigger the buying process
- They accelerate the marketing process to shorten the time between the marketing stimuli and the buying action
- These objects allow for saving energy in the marketing processes which makes them more efficient
The Use of Segmented Marketing Objects
Unicist Conceptual Marketing is an approach that includes the use of business objects and a unicist conceptual segmentation. It increases the marketing effectiveness, accelerating the buying processes and saving energy.
It includes the use of:
- Commercial Objects
- Semantic Objects
- Semiotic Objects
- Branding Objects
- Catalyzing Objects
About Catalyzing Objects
Catalysts are process accelerators. Marketing catalysts have been used ever since people had to produce results in business, social, and political marketing. The simplest way of using catalysts is by discovering the influence of external facts on certain actions that want to be performed and using them to influence the acceptance by the environment.
Basically, it can be said that marketing catalysts are business objects that build a context for the actions that are being influenced and have to be consistent with the environment in order to be acceptable.
The research on the root causes of the success and failure of the market expansion of startups developed at The Unicist Research Institute confirmed that 100% of the successful marketing strategies were sustained by behavioral catalysts, while 100% of the failures had insufficient catalysts.
This demonstrated that the success of sustainable marketing strategies in innovative, supply-driven, or highly competitive markets depend on the use of behavioral catalysts.
These catalysts might be entities that exist in the environment or catalyzing objects that are built by the companies.
Unicist Artificial Intelligence
The Unicist Artificial Intelligence implies the integration of data-based AI and fundamentals-based AI.
On the one hand, the categories defined by fundamentals-based AI provide the autonomous universes that are needed to minimize the subjective biases of data-based AI.
On the other hand, data-based AI allows quantifying the specific structure of fundamentals-based AI to establish the aspects of the categories and segments of entities to build solutions.
When the quantity of data does not suffice to develop data-based AI, the use of non-destructive testing is used to provide quantitative information to manage the categories and segments of fundamentals-based AI.
Unicist AI uses the rules of the unicist logic and allows developing solutions and learning from the pilot tests of their implementation until their functionality has been confirmed.
The Use of Unicist Commercial Objects
Unicist commercial objects are implemented to install ideas in the minds of potential customers. This implies that they are designed to sustain the marketing process of products and services that are being proposed. Example:
The Use of Unicist Semantic Objects
Semantic objects are used to install meaningful knowledge in the market. They are necessary to sustain differentiated or innovative value propositions. Example:
The Use of Unicist Semiotic Objects
Semiotic objects are installed to guide and influence buying processes. Unicist binary actions (UBAs) are a sort of semiotic objects that allow driving and catalyzing buying processes. Example:
The Use of Unicist Branding Objects
The purpose of a branding object is to foster an unidentified buying intention (goodwill) in the mind of the potential buyer. Branding objects are commercial catalysts that may have a conjunctural, specific, systemic or generic functionality. Example:
The Use of Catalysts to Accelerate Marketing Processes
Marketing catalysts are sales accelerators that diminish the efforts needed to influence buying decisions. The 4th Industrial Revolution increases notoriously the market orientation but demands the use of catalysts to ensure market growth.
While 100% of the successful marketing actions were sustained by catalysts, 100% of the failures had insufficient catalysts. The use of catalysts is a must in marketing.
Levels of Acceleration
The levels of acceleration that catalysts introduce in processes depend on the specificity of their functions.
- Generic Catalysts accelerate the functionality of institutions or organizations. Their acceleration is (+)
- Systemic Catalysts accelerate the functionality of functions and roles. Their acceleration is (++)
- Specific Catalysts accelerate the functionality of processes. Their acceleration is (+++)
- Conjunctural Catalysts accelerate the functionality of conjuncture-driven processes. Their acceleration is (++++)
Digitization in Marketing in the 4IR
Digitization is the core aspect of the new stage in marketing, but it requires being integrated with conceptualization and personalization in order to develop expansive, profitable, and sustainable marketing processes.
The concept of digitization is self-evident and means managing the information of businesses in digital format to increase the efficiency of business processes.
But to digitize in the sense of the adaptiveness of processes introduced by the 4IR it is necessary to have the concepts of the business functions that allow developing adaptive systems.
Therefore, the conceptual design of the business processes is what makes digitization possible by managing the root causes of buying processes. This requires managing the conceptual segmentation of the market.
When this process has been defined, it becomes necessary to clarify how the needs of the people who participate in the processes are satisfied.
Personalization is the concept that needs to be introduced, which implies organizing the subjective aspects of marketing processes and ensuring that the needs of the roles of the participants of the processes are satisfied. It requires the use of catalyzing objects to accelerate and ensure the efficacy of marketing processes.
The Unicist Research Institute
Main Markets
• Automobile • Food • Mass consumption • Financial • Insurance • Sports and social institutions • Information Technology (IT) • High-Tech • Knowledge Businesses • Communications • Perishable goods • Mass media • Direct sales • Industrial commodities • Agribusiness • Healthcare • Pharmaceutical • Oil and Gas • Chemical • Paints • Fashion • Education • Services • Commerce and distribution • Mining • Timber • Apparel • Passenger transportation –land, sea and air • Tourism • Cargo transportation • Professional services • e-market • Entertainment and show-business • Advertising • Gastronomic • Hospitality • Credit card • Real estate • Fishing • Publishing • Industrial Equipment • Construction and Engineering • Bike, motorbike, scooter and moped • Sporting goods
Country Archetypes Developed
• Algeria • Argentina • Australia • Austria • Belarus • Belgium • Bolivia • Brazil • Cambodia • Canada • Chile • China • Colombia • Costa Rica • Croatia • Cuba • Czech Republic • Denmark • Ecuador • Egypt • Finland • France • Georgia • Germany • Honduras • Hungary • India • Iran • Iraq • Ireland • Israel • Italy • Japan • Jordan • Libya • Malaysia • Mexico • Morocco • Netherlands • New Zealand • Nicaragua • Norway • Pakistan • Panama • Paraguay • Peru • Philippines • Poland • Portugal • Romania • Russia • Saudi Arabia • Serbia • Singapore • Slovakia • South Africa • Spain • Sweden • Switzerland • Syria • Thailand • Tunisia • Turkey • Ukraine • United Arab Emirates • United Kingdom • United States • Uruguay • Venezuela • Vietnam