The Unicist School

MDD Project – Country Brand

The empowerment of the value of country brands is basic to manage sustainable globalization and exerting diplomatic power. When we talk about country brand we mean the value behind a single phrase or word: “made in Germany, USA, Taiwan, China, Japan, etc.” or the name of the country as a representation of its values.

Microeconomics driven development requires the empowerment of the brand of the country that decides to expand, which implies a definition where the country will be competing and how.

Brands are defined by the expectation of added value they generate, the uniqueness of their attributes and the consistency of their actions. The empowerment of country brands requires managing the concept, and of the under-promising and overdelivering attitude to install a consistent brand.

It requires several decades of significant investment in communication to empower a country brand which needs to be believed the members of the community in order to be consistent.

To be consistent, it is necessary that those aspects of the society that are chosen as representative of a countries positioning assume a world class positioning. The amplitude of the meaning of “world” defines the functionality of the brand.

Microeconomics Driven Development

MDD Project: Social Crises foster Growth or Degrade

Social crises unavoidably foster the change of an environments. Crises happen when the security framework of a society or group becomes dysfunctional. Social crises always include economic, ideological and social aspects.

Crises force people to do things that would not have done before in order to survive. The palliation of crises is a spontaneous natural response that sustains the status quo of a society and, if palliation succeeds, all remains unchanged but degraded, towards a lower level of collective ethical intelligence.

Crises drive people towards a superior level of individualism to ensure their individual survival and the survival of the group they belong to. Those cultures that are subject to regular crises, whatever their kind, have a weak cultural nucleus.

Crises for growth

There is a different functionality of crises when they occur in an environment that has a long-term goal implicit in its archetype which drives the collective intelligence. Crises work as catalysts for growth when they happen in a society or group that has long term goals.

Crisis management for growth requires developing simultaneously two strategies: a maximal strategy to develop structural adjustments based on the lessons learned from a crisis and a minimum strategy to palliate the negative effects trying to minimize the dysfunctional effects of the increase of individualism.

In cultures that have been affected by regular crises for decades that first step is to install long term planning which, paradoxically, is considered as not feasible in such environments.

Microeconomics Driven Development

MDD Project: Startups vs. Butterfly Companies

Depending on the width of the application field of the innovation, there is a notorious difference between businesses that are built upon an invention or discovery. There is a high risk of building a butterfly company when the innovation has a specific use with a specific added value.

A butterfly company is defined as a business that has a beginning and an end within a short timeframe. Only innovations that create a category that has social added value where the trends expand their use can be considered as start-up businesses. A category has been created when a new concept has been installed.

If you read the history of Google, Apple, Ford, Siemens, Facebook, etc. you will find the description of startups that became corporations. There is no difference between them and the creation of a startup based on an innovation that has notorious social value, where the IP can be protected and that is able to build a growing market.

Isolated inventions need to be managed as opportunities that will be absorbed by the market and where the creators can make a larger or smaller profit depending on their negotiation capacity.

Microeconomics Driven Development

MDD Project: Research based Learning for Graduate Studies

The objective is to install in postgraduate studies and doctorates the research-based learning approach focused on developing real solutions for unsolved problems.

The goal of this new standard is that the participants learn from the feedback of their decisions and are able to approach the solution of problems in adaptive environments.  It moves from an answer driven learning approach to a question driven learning approach.

More than 20 years ago, the unicist reflection driven learning approach was developed at The Unicist Research Institute. The objective of this approach was to provide an educational framework and a methodology to foster the learning of the management of root causes of adaptive systems and environments.

The final goal of this approach is that the participants develop real solutions for complex problems which include their implementation to confirm their validity.

This approach is homologous to the research-based learning approach when it is fully focused on developing and implementing a solution. It differs totally from a research approach based on literature surveys.

For the case that the standard of research-based learning cannot be installed as an educational standard, the MDD project includes the reflection driven education for the leaders of private organizations.

Microeconomics Driven Development