Democracy implies consensus, efficiency, and making trade-offs.
Bottom-up democracies are based on consensus.
Top-down democracies are based on non-dissensus.
The Project
Microeconomics driven Development is a 50-year transgenerational project, in the Era of AI, that is based on taking advantage of adolescent rebellions to instill those values that are self-evident when evolution is a value. The program takes various forms to adapt to different cultures, aiming to foster generational evolution through the development of next-generation leaders.
These programs are part of the philanthropic activities of The Unicist Research Institute, focused on “Microeconomic Driven Development.” This project is ongoing. We are inviting associations, chambers, non-profit organizations, executives, and professionals to participate in the project for the benefit of all.
The Context of Evolution: AI is Structurally Changing the Way We Deal with the Real World.
There are three structural approaches to AI, based on data, generative, and fundamentals-based AI, that will be influencing the world and generating multiple other approaches to manage the real world.
- Data-based AI: Data-based AI, also known as traditional AI or statistical AI, is a type of artificial intelligence that relies on large amounts of data to make predictions and decisions. It uses statistical techniques and machine learning algorithms to analyze patterns and correlations within the data. This approach focuses on training AI models with historical data to recognize and replicate patterns in new data.
- Generative AI: Generative AI, also known as creative AI, is an approach that aims to generate new content, such as images, music, or text, that is not directly derived from existing data. It uses techniques like deep learning and neural networks to create original and unique outputs. Generative AI models are trained on large datasets and learn to generate new content by capturing the patterns and structures present in the training data.
- Unicist AI: Unicist AI, or Unicist Artificial Intelligence, is an approach that combines the principles of the unicist approach with AI algorithms. The unicist approach focuses on understanding the nature and dynamics of complex systems, and Unicist AI applies this understanding to enhance decision-making and problem-solving processes.
In summary, data-based AI relies on data analysis and machine learning, generative AI focuses on creating new content, and Unicist AI combines the principles of the unicist approach with AI algorithms to understand and manage complex systems. Each type of AI has its strengths and limitations, and their applications depend on the specific needs and characteristics of the problem or domain being addressed.
Unicist Functionalist Economy
Democracy implies consensus, efficiency, and making trade-offs.
Bottom-up democracies are based on consensus.
Top-down democracies are based on non-dissensus.
The functionalist economy fosters governance through passive influence. In this context, economic governance needs to promote actions by using catalysts instead of drivers to open possibilities and ensure the functionality of microeconomic processes while administrating the macroeconomy to ensure the functionality of the State.
The economy needs to deal with the short-term, managing conjunctures, and with the long-term, managing long-term future scenarios.
The discovery of the laws of evolution of adaptive systems and environments, done by Peter Belohlavek, provided the model needed to understand the sustainability of economic evolution based on the empowerment of adaptive economy and microeconomics-driven development.
It has to be considered that in an evolutionary approach, microeconomics drives the evolution while macroeconomics establishes the framework for social development.
The microeconomic initiative is lost when macroeconomics intends to be the driver of evolution. Macroeconomics-driven economies are only functional in transition stages when there is an extreme need for chaos avoidance.
The Framework
This project is based on the existence of economic democracy. The project of the “microeconomics-driven development” approach is based on Functionalist Economics. It uses the concept of adaptive economy to foster the emergent segment of a society that represents less than 5% of the activity but drives the whole economy towards a superior level of productivity and well-being.
It uses the concept of the 4th Industrial Revolution and AI to promote adaptive industrial processes (whatever the industry), customer orientation, superior productivity, and superior quality to ensure participation in a sustainable globalization process.
50-year Transgenerational Evolution
The 50-year transgenerational development program capitalizes on adolescent rebellion by introducing a new phase that enables them to find a role in the world, aligning with their quest. The program takes various forms to adapt to different cultures, aiming to foster generational evolution through the development of next-generation leaders.
These programs are part of the philanthropic activities of The Unicist Research Institute, focused on “Microeconomic Driven Development.” They are provided at no cost to foundations and non-profit organizations interested in promoting leadership while fostering social evolution.
About Microeconomics-driven Development
The world has definitively changed towards adaptability. The distance in productivity and quality between those who manage adaptability and those who do not become wider than ever before. The solution to this gap must happen at a social and at individual level. This program is focused on fostering the new stage at an individual level to open new opportunities.
The adaptive economy that was finally adopted by China, the adaptability of industrial processes that were introduced by Industry 4.0, the use of data-based AI, generative AI, and unicist AI, the discovery of the functionality of adaptive systems and environments, and the development of synchronized binary actions to influence them, introduced adaptiveness in everyday life. This is a major paradigm shift that requires introducing the necessary changes to adapt to the new world.
This Project is ongoing. We are inviting associations, chambers, non-profit organizations, executives, and professionals to participate in the project for the benefit of all.
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The Functionalist Framework
The functionalist approach is the framework that enables the development of an evolutionary constructivist approach to social and economic development. It is based on the research developed at The Unicist Research Institute.
The 4th Industrial Revolution requires a Conceptual Mindset
The 4th Industrial Revolution was the first industrial revolution that introduced a paradigm shift focused on the generation of market value. It fostered adaptiveness and customer orientation in businesses. It made Industry 4.0, the Internet of Things, and artificial intelligence possible. To ensure the reliability of business processes, this new stage requires managing their complexity by dealing with the root causes of business functions.
Industrial Revolutions foster and establish dominant mindsets to fulfill their purposes.
– Operational thinking is the dominant mindset in the 1st Industrial Revolution.
Mechanization requires operational thinking, so the solutions provided by this stage deal with the operation of things.
– Analytical thinking is the dominant mindset in the 2nd Industrial Revolution.
The analytical approach allows managing mass production in a meaningful way by dividing these masses into manageable entities.
– Systemic thinking is the dominant mindset in the 3rd Industrial Revolution.
Automation requires envisioning the unified field of the operation and its components to build the automated processes.
– Conceptual thinking is the dominant mindset in the 4th Industrial Revolution.
The Industry 4.0 stage is based on improving the adaptiveness of processes by being fully consumer/user/buyer oriented, increasing productivity, which implies improving the cost-value relation and increasing the quality to become fully reliable.
Governance of the Project
This project is being launched by The Unicist School and sustained by the research of The Unicist Research Institute. As it spans 50 years, it needs to become institutionalized with the participation of non-profit organizations.
The project is developed in different stages and is based on dissemination through social networks and mass media, aiming to minimize facileness in social and economic behavior.
The initial leader of the project is Peter Belohlavek. As soon as groups and organizations participate in the project, it will be led by their natural leaders and will take a form they consider functional within their environment, in accordance with the program’s functionality.
The Project is based on Catalysts
The social evolution of established cultures, whatever their archetype, can only be empowered using catalysts. Direct actions might produce conjunctural but not sustainable results. Therefore, all the aspects of the projects work as catalysts of the social processes of a culture.
Roles included in the Project:
1) The Next Step Program
The objective is the installation of technologies for strategy building in companies that allow them to profit from the 4th Industrial Revolution and recover from the side effects of the coronavirus crisis.
This requires using the unicist functional technologies for strategy building in each company. These are unicist ontological tools that are provided to manage the concepts and fundamentals of business processes and develop countercyclical and growth strategies.
This activity is developed by non-profit organizations of any kind including chambers and non-profit business organizations. It allows for generating value for all the participating organizations and enables the maintenance of the long-term development program.
2) Research & Innovation
The empowerment of research and innovation in the emergent segment of the economy requires that the educational program for graduates becomes fully action-driven, which requires introducing research as the driver of learning.
It also requires that the patent laws expand their scope of patentable issues, following the trend of the most flexible patent laws of the developed world.
The protection of intellectual property requires ensuring that the functionality of the judiciary system makes it feasible. The tax incentive of research activities, based on the long-term ROI of R&D, is a catalyst or a limit to expand these activities.
3) Education: Catalyzing Social Evolution
4) Capital Markets: Catalyzing Innovative Businesses
We propose the full association between capital and R&D to foster that capital seeks innovations and not that innovations seek capital. It implies fostering the following private or public financial roles:
Angel/Seed Funds should provide the necessary business knowledge to move the business from a solopreneurial approach to an entrepreneurial approach.
Venture Capital should provide the necessary business knowledge to move the business from an entrepreneurial approach to an enterprising approach, where the organization works as a system.
Private equity should provide adequate financial strategies to sustain growth based on the functionality of businesses that allow for expanding their boundaries.
The financial activities to foster self-employment are not part of the project.
5) Sustainable Globalization
Globalization building implies expanding limits. Expanding limits implies necessarily an active competition to be able to influence the environment.
It requires generating the necessary added value to influence the environment to be accepted.
Sustainable globalization is a structured globalization that establishes a common space where this competition is equilibrated with active cooperation.
This cooperation allows fostering the possibilities of empowering the role of participants in the world.
It requires developing diplomatic power, which implies integrating all the efforts that allow catalyzing and defending the value of a culture to exert influence, where this is possible.
6) Peers in the World Program
This program is for graduate students and is developed by the Unicist School.
It gives access to abductive reasoning, which enables creative thinking, strategic thinking, and conceptualization, that allow the development of short-term and long-term planning.
The program is based on:
1) Functionalist Knowledge
2) The Unicist Evolutionary Approach
3) Functionalist Design
4) The use of Maximal and Minimum Strategies
5) The use of Binary Actions
The goal of the Peers in the World Program is that the participants apprehend the guiding idea of using a conceptual mindset and a strategic approach to better adapt to the environment. This program fosters that the future leaders of the community take “their” place in “their” world by managing an evolutionary approach.
The participants of this program will be proposed to enter midsize and large companies that are installing strategic analysts to manage the new stage of adaptability introduced by the 4IR.
7) Sporting Spirit: Empowering Self-Improvement and Leadership
The values of a culture can be read between the lines and behind the images on the cover of newspapers and their homepages on the Internet.
Empowering the sporting spirit implies sustaining the value of improvement, cultural belonging, the value of work, the value of learning, and the installation of a second-opportunity ethics.
It implies developing actions in the field of sports, empowering the competitive aspects that deal with self-improvement, preparation, and fairness.
The sporting spirit fully depends on the cultural characteristics of the environment and its empowerment is focused on physical activities in all types of sports.
8) Social Laboratory
The Social Lab measures the functionality of the framework of microeconomics-driven development and allows managing the horizon of its evolution.
Social processes are necessarily dynamic and they evolve driven by the evolution of the participants. This evolution is never symmetric, whatever the reasons that generate the asymmetry.
The measurement of the evolution is made using the unicist scorecard that establishes the quantitative measurement of the dynamics of the economy.
The unicist scorecard was developed to monitor and interpret the functionality of the unified field of adaptive environments.
The scorecard includes: 1) Operational indicators, 2) Causal indicators, 3) Unicist predictors.
9) Fallacy-Shooting
Fallacies are natural in facileness-driven environments and rare in environments of doers where the results need to be achieved.
Killing fallacies ensures the functionality of adaptive actions, ensures results, and fosters evolution. The butterfly effect of the chaos theory is a homologous example of the functionality of the destructive power of fallacies.
Fallacies generate butterfly effects. A butterfly effect occurs anytime the functionality of an adaptive system is beyond its functionality zone in nature or its credibility zone in artificial adaptive systems. The latter is the case of businesses.
The basic condition to avoid fallacies is to have the necessary humbleness to confirm all one thinks by developing real actions and measuring the corresponding results. The use of the ethics of foundations and the use of destructive tests is what allows the avoidance of fallacies in decision-making.
Country Archetypes Developed
• Algeria • Argentina • Australia • Austria • Belarus • Belgium • Bolivia • Brazil • Cambodia • Canada • Chile • China • Colombia • Costa Rica • Croatia • Cuba • Czech Republic • Denmark • Ecuador • Egypt • Finland • France • Georgia • Germany • Honduras • Hungary • India • Iran • Iraq • Ireland • Israel • Italy • Japan • Jordan • Libya • Malaysia • Mexico • Morocco • Netherlands • New Zealand • Nicaragua • Norway • Pakistan • Panama • Paraguay • Peru • Philippines • Poland • Portugal • Romania • Russia • Saudi Arabia • Serbia • Singapore • Slovakia • South Africa • Spain • Sweden • Switzerland • Syria • Thailand • Tunisia • Turkey • Ukraine • United Arab Emirates • United Kingdom • United States • Uruguay • Venezuela • Vietnam