Leadership in the 4th Industrial Revolution

The 4th Industrial Revolution requires managing the functionality of things to deal with the adaptability of business processes and customer orientation. The 4IR introduced the functionalist approach to businesses based on managing the functionality of their processes to make them adaptive and customer centered. The unicist approach to the 4IR is based on integrating the Internet of Things with the Intelligence of Things that allows developing intelligent systems.

The solution for this new stage was introduced in the market by the unicist functionalist technologies.

They allow making a logical approach to the real world, developing the functional structures of solutions, their conceptual design, and the operational processes to make them happen.

The unicist functionalist technologies were developed to manage the concepts that underlie the functions that are being managed.

They made businesses reasonable, understandable, and predictable, and empower their customer orientation, adaptability, and growth, increasing their shareholder value, customer value, and stakeholder value.

The Functionality of Management in the 4IR

The 4th Industrial Revolution establishes a different context for business functions, which requires having a system that is functional to adaptive business processes.

The Enterprise 4.0 model requires having organizational processes defined by roles. This model includes the use of business objects that ensure the quality of the processes while they increase their productivity.

It requires working with systems to manage the accountability, reliability and transparency of the roles of the managers involved.

It requires using adaptive systems that allow the participants to monitor their role and experience the satisfaction for the achievement of objectives.

The system includes three aspects:

  1. The accountability module ensures the achievement of results.
  2. The reliability module ensures the consistency of actions.
  3. The transparency module ensures self-control, control and the credits for the objectives that are achieved.

Sharing Concepts: The Wide Context of 4IR

Adaptive management in the 4IR requires that the participants in the process need to share the concept of the business and its functions to be aware to the functional and dysfunctional consequences of their business processes.

Reflection driven Teamwork to solve Business Problems

Adaptive processes require managing the feedback of business processes as part of the role of managers. This adaptability requires having an approach that allows managing the non-foreseeable aspects of business processes.

Basic Consultation Books

Managing the Functionality of the Real World

The functionalist technologies that were developed to manage the root-causes of problems, build solutions, and develop intelligent systems to manage adaptive environments.

The use of Unicist AI, which is a fundamentals-based AI that is supported by the unicist logic, allowed developing the adaptive automation of processes needed to manage the adaptability and customer orientation introduced by the 4th Industrial Revolution.

The functionalist technologies also simplified the management of incidents, by transforming urgent problems into structural solutions, managing the concepts and fundamentals of the functions involved to define the actions that ensure results.

These functions are described by the unicist ontology, which describes the functionality of what is being studied, and allows defining the ontogenetic maps of functions.

This functionalist approach drove the development of functionalist technologies that simplify the management of adaptive environments. 


The Bridge between Human and Artificial Intelligence

The functionalist approach is based on the use of binary actions that are two synchronized actions to ensure the achievement of results. The unicist AI emulates human intelligence by using the same logic and rules of the intelligence of nature to build binary actions to make things happen.

This approach is based on the discovery of the intelligence that underlies nature that defines the principles of its functionality and led to the development of the unicist logic that allows managing the intelligence that deals with the functionality of “things”.

The objective of the research on the functionality of human intelligence was to find the roots of human behavior and how to influence people. This information allows organizing individual, group and social activities in a way that simplifies the adaptive actions of individuals. 

The functionalist approach uses the unicist ontology to describe the functionality of “things”, which is defined by a purpose, an active function, and an energy conservation function.

It provides the necessary functional knowledge to develop the Unicist AI to manage adaptive processes and build the binary actions that make “things” work.


The Unicist Logic defines the Intelligence of Things

The unicist logic defines the intelligence of things by describing their functionality. The reasoning process, based on the rules established by the unicist logic, opens the world of a functionalist approach to the real world, expanding the possibilities for developing functional solutions in adaptive environments.

The unicist logic is based on the discovery of the ontogenetic intelligence of nature that allowed defining the unicist functionalist approach to deal with the real world. The functional design uses the unicist logical approach to design the intelligence of things.

This logic was developed to explain the functionality of the real world. It allows managing the triadic structure of the functionality of things defined by their purpose, their active function, and their energy conservation function.

This approach is universal. Both the TAO and the unicist logic explain the structure of the unified field of the functionality of a specific reality including its dynamics and evolution. The integration of Yin and Yang uses the triadic structure of the unicist logic.

The unicist logic provides the structure and rules for abductive reasoning that expands the possibilities for developing functional solutions in adaptive environments.


Framework: The Functionalist Approach to Science

The purpose of the unicist functionalist approach to science is to define the actions that make “things” work. It is based on the use of functional knowledge to manage the real world that integrates the know-how and the know-why of “things”.

This approach is based on the discovery of the triadic structure of the intelligence that underlies nature that defines the principles of its functionality and led to the development of the unicist logic that allows managing the intelligence that manages the functionality of “things”.

This approach uses the unicist ontological approach to describe the triadic functionality of the fundamentals of “things” defined by a purpose, an active function, and an energy conservation function.

It provides the functional knowledge, which allows defining the binary actions that make “things” work. Such functionality is driven by supplementary and complementary relationships between the entities of a system and the binary actions that ensure the functional operation.

Unicist functional design is the unicist ontological approach to design intelligent solutions in adaptive environments.

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Technologies developed based on the Unicist Functionalist Approach

You can access the business technologies developed at:

You can find the technologies developed to deal with economic, social, and individual functional behavior at:

Country Archetypes Developed

• Algeria • Argentina • Australia • Austria • Belarus • Belgium • Bolivia • Brazil • Cambodia • Canada • Chile • China • Colombia • Costa Rica • Croatia • Cuba • Czech Republic • Denmark • Ecuador • Egypt • Finland • France • Georgia • Germany • Honduras • Hungary • India • Iran • Iraq • Ireland • Israel • Italy • Japan • Jordan • Libya • Malaysia • Mexico • Morocco • Netherlands • New Zealand • Nicaragua • Norway • Pakistan • Panama • Paraguay • Peru • Philippines • Poland • Portugal • Romania • Russia • Saudi Arabia • Serbia • Singapore • Slovakia • South Africa • Spain • Sweden • Switzerland • Syria • Thailand • Tunisia • Turkey • Ukraine • United Arab Emirates • United Kingdom • United States • Uruguay • Venezuela • Vietnam