Enterprise 4.0

Management & Organization in the 4th Industrial Revolution

Enterprise 4.0 was the name given to the unicist business model for the 4th Industrial Revolution. It is driven by the need of developing adaptive organizations that require a new management approach to transform businesses into adaptive entities increasing their growth capacity, profitability, adaptability, and customer orientation. It requires the management of fundamentals to organize business processes.

Unicist Standard

The Unicist Research Institute was a precursor in introducing adaptiveness and client/customer orientation in business processes. That is why this model has a long history although its name was given recently in order to facilitate its expansion in the business world to foster growth, profitability, and sustainability.

This model is an upgrade in business management that allows the emulation of the organization of nature and the development of the integration of the different levels of technologies that coexist in any organization.

The purpose of the business model is to ensure an adaptive organization that is customer oriented and achieves a superior level of productivity and quality that increases the value generated and fosters market expansion.

Industrial Revolution and Mindsets

Industrial Revolutions foster and establish dominant mindsets to fulfill their purposes. These mindsets include the preceding mindset as complementary approaches.

Operational thinking is the dominant mindset in the 1st Industrial Revolution. Mechanization requires operational thinking and the solutions provided by this stage deal with the operation of things.

Analytical thinking is the dominant mindset in the 2nd Industrial Revolution. The analytical approach allows for managing mass production in a meaningful way by dividing these masses into manageable entities.

Systemic thinking is the dominant mindset in the 3rd Industrial Revolution. Automation requires envisioning the unified field of the operation and its components in order to build automated processes.

Conceptual thinking is the dominant mindset in the 4th Industrial Revolution. This stage is based on improving the adaptiveness of processes by being fully consumer/user/buyer oriented, increasing productivity which implies improving the cost/value relation and increasing the quality to become fully reliable.

Digitization in the 4th Industrial Revolution

Digitization is the core aspect of the new stage in industrialization, but it requires being integrated with conceptualization and personalization in order to develop expansive, profitable and sustainable organizations.

4th Industrial Revolution and mindsets

The concept of digitization is self-evident and means managing the information of businesses in digital format to increase the efficiency of business processes.

But to digitalize in the sense of the adaptiveness of processes introduced by the 4IR it is necessary to have the concepts of the business functions that allow developing adaptive systems. Therefore, the conceptual design of the business processes is what makes digitization possible by managing the root causes of business functions.

When this goal is achieved, it becomes necessary to satisfy the needs of the people who participate in the processes.

Personalization is the concept that needs to be introduced which implies organizing the efficacy of business processes and ensuring the role-driven organization of the digitization processes. 

Management in the 4th Industrial Revolution

The 4th Industrial Revolution establishes a different context for business functions, which requires having a system that is functional to adaptive business processes.

The Enterprise 4.0 model requires having organizational processes defined by roles. This model includes the use of business objects that ensure the quality of the processes while they increase their productivity.

It requires working with systems to manage the accountability, reliability, and transparency of the roles of the managers involved.

It requires using adaptive systems that allow the participants to monitor their roles and experience satisfaction for the achievement of objectives.

The system includes three aspects:

  1. The accountability module ensures the achievement of results.
  2. The reliability module ensures the consistency of actions.
  3. The transparency module ensures self-control, control, and credit for the objectives that are achieved.

Sharing Concepts: The Wide Context of 4IR

Adaptive management in the 4IR requires that the participants in the process need to share the concept of the business and its functions to be aware of the functional and dysfunctional consequences of their business processes. Sharing concepts works as the “gravitational force” that sustains adaptive business processes.

This sharing of the concept of the business functions needs to be interpreted based on the values included in the vision and mission of the company. The vision, mission, and ethics of companies became meaningful information for the members of the organization who work in the 4IR.

Reflection driven Teamwork to Solve Business Problems

Adaptive processes require managing the feedback of business processes as part of the role of managers. This adaptability requires having an approach that allows managing the non-foreseeable aspects of business processes.

This solution requires a different level of participation than the one that is used in non-adaptive business processes. It requires fostering a deeper commitment with the significance of the work that is being developed. Reflection-driven teamwork is the catalyst for adaptive business processes that integrates people in the solution of the problems that need to be managed.

This is done by reflection-driven teamwork, where the solutions are “owned” by all the participants of the process and not by the boss.

This empowers the feeling of belonging and the enrichment of the processes. It allows participants to materialize the sharing of the concept of what is being done.

Introducing the Conceptual Mindset in Businesses

The Unicist In-house Universities, managed by executives, were designed to introduce companies to the new stage triggered by the 4th Industrial Revolution.

As it was mentioned, the introduction of the 4th Industrial Revolution requires a conceptual mindset to manage adaptive processes. The Unicist In-House Universities provide access to the unicist evolutionary approach to manage the fundamentals of business processes and develop solutions.

They provide the necessary technologies to manage the conceptual mindset that is necessary to empower adaptiveness, profitability, and customer orientation in an environment of business expansion.

It provides the fundamentals of business processes that define the root causes of their functionality, and develop maximal and minimum strategy actions to grow and ensure results.

The 4th Industrial Revolution simplified the operation of businesses but required managing their functional complexity to ensure their adaptability. This program introduces the participants in the management of the concepts that underlie business functions to build adaptive solutions in the 4IR to increase the speed of value generation.

Enterprise 4.0:
The model for value generation

Microeconomics-driven Development requires that businesses assume a leading role in their communities, which implies ensuring their growth, profitability, and sustainability. It requires introducing upgrades in:

  1. Technologies to drive growth,
  2. Customer orientation to expand markets,
  3. Quality and productivity to maintain competitiveness,
  4. Adaptability to ensure sustainability

This is the Enterprise 4.0 model that integrates client-centered management, object-driven organization, object-driven marketing, cognitive systems, and unicist artificial intelligence to improve productivity, quality, value propositions, and business expansion.

It requires managing the root causes of business processes and the development of maximal strategies to grow and minimum strategies to ensure results. This model is a simplification of business processes based on the emulation of the intelligence that underlies nature.

Enterprise 4.0: Managing the Unified Field of Businesses

The unicist approach to the 4th Industrial Revolution is based on managing the unified field of social and business environments to increase their adaptability, growth, and sustainability. The unified field is managed by using the ontogenetic maps of social and business environments to manage their concepts and fundamentals, which define the root causes that drive their functionality.

The level of effectiveness of the Enterprise 4.0 Model depends on the integration and functionality of the fundamentals that define the model. The first level of increased functionality implies + productivity, the 2nd. + quality, the 3rd. + value propositions and the 4th. + business expansion. These levels are inclusive.

The unicist unified field method was created to develop solutions in adaptive environments. It is based on a unicist thinking approach to manage the unified field of adaptive systems and environments to develop solutions to grow and ensure results.

It is used to find the root causes of problems and develop adaptive solutions. It is a method to generate improvements and/or innovations in social and business functions.

It implies using the unicist ontological structures that define the concepts and fundamentals of the functions that are being addressed.

It requires knowing the restricted context that generates the catalysts and inhibitors of the social and business functions involved and knowing the wide context that works as a gravitational force defining the limits of what can be achieved. This approach is defined by 4 pillars:

  1. Object-Driven Organization
  2. Client-Centered Management
  3. Unicist Cognitive Systems
  4. Unicist Artificial Intelligence

The 4 pillars of Enterprise 4.0

Pillar I:
Object Driven Organization

The Unicist Research Institute is leading the trend of organizing by roles and objects emulating the organization of nature. This allows managing the adaptive aspects of economics and businesses simplifying processes and minimizing the entropy of the systems where roles and objects have been installed.

The Object Driven Organization is based on establishing the natural organization model that corresponds to a business. The organization by objects and roles allows organizing the business processes as a unified field to achieve the goals established by a strategy.

Some of the companies that use business objects are:  Airbus, Amazon, Apple, BBC, Boeing, Dassault Systemes, Dupont, Ericsson, Facebook, General Electric, Google, Hilton, Honda, Hyundai, LinkedIn, Lufthansa, Mapfre, Mayo Clinic, Michelin, Novartis, Open Text, P&G, Pfizer, Siemens, Tata Motors, Toyota, Unilever, Walmart, Walt Disney World, and Youtube.

The object-driven organization is the adaptive model that allows transforming strategies into an object-driven architecture. It is a natural organization for institutionalized businesses. Objects are adaptive systems that have a concept that defines their purposes, have a value-generating function, and a quality assurance system that makes them reliable.

Pillar II:
Client-Centered Management

Client Centered Management (CCM) is a role-based and object-driven business model. It is a model that drives market expansion processes. It is part of the unicist natural organization model.

The natural organization is a meta-model in itself that integrates the organization that is needed for the business and the market, the client orientation, and the personalization of the work processes.

Client-Centered Management needs to be established to drive actions towards the end client and then the personal organization needs to be used in order to ensure the fulfillment of the organizational roles.

The functionality of the Client Centered Management model is driven and catalyzed by the use of business objects that save energy and make processes simpler and more effective.

The evolution of communication and IT technologies provided the necessary environment to foster the trend of emulating the organization of nature by installing business objects and organizing by roles.

Pillar III:
Unicist Cognitive Systems

Cognitive systems are part of the solutions introduced by the 4th Industrial Revolution. The purpose of cognitive systems is to interpret reality. The human brain is “the” paradigmatic example of a cognitive system. The use of cognitive systems is necessary to deal with adaptive systems, complex environments, risks, and uncertainty.

There are two types of complementary cognitive systems: those that deal with operational patterns and those that deal with the fundamentals of reality.

The unicist cognitive systems integrate both systems, dealing with the fundamentals of business processes and with operational patterns when big data management becomes possible. The quality assurance of these systems is given by the fallacy avoidance tools.

The unicist cognitive systems with unicist artificial intelligence use concepts and fundamentals to manage the root causes and the evolution of businesses and their functions to sustain growth and profitability.

They define the framework for management systems, decision support systems and knowledge systems. This approach is necessary to manage the adaptive aspects of businesses.

The unicist unified field method defines the steps to diagnose, build solutions and develop pilot tests to ensure the results of business processes.

Pillar IV:
Unicist Artificial Intelligence

Unicist artificial intelligence is necessary to emulate the functionality of the unified field of business functions.

For this reason, Unicist Cognitive Systems include the use of an artificial intelligence monitor that emulates the ontogenetic structure of fundamentals to ensure their functionality while it learns from the feedback of the pilot tests.

Unicist artificial intelligence is based on the ontogenetic maps of the functions of the adaptive systems or environments that are being managed.

These ontogenetic maps describe the underlying concepts and fundamentals that define the root causes of the functionality of an adaptive system. They are an emulation of the triadic ontogenetic intelligence of nature and define the structure of the unicist artificial intelligence.