The Functionalist Approach to the 4th Industrial Revolution


The 4th Industrial Revolution introduced adaptiveness in the industrial and business world. The Industry 4.0 concept proposes to manage businesses as adaptive systems increasing customer orientation, productivity and quality. Adaptability requires managing the concepts of the business functions in order to be able to integrate different people, technologies, processes, systems, objects and tools.

Unicist Standard

The birth of an industrial revolution is triggered by new technologies, which produce a new industrial stage when they are able to satisfy latent needs of a society. The history of industrial revolutions show that they expand as such in environments where they satisfy the needs of an “establishment” of a culture.

As soon as they begin to have a viral expansion, the industrial revolutions demonstrate their true value and the underlying concepts can be perceived. In the case of the 4th Industrial Revolution, it becomes evident that its purpose is to introduce adaptiveness into industrial and business processes.

It has to be considered that adaptiveness, the concept that underlies flexibility, was always a goal in industry but could not be solved without increasing costs and affecting the quality of the produces. Industry 4.0, due to the now available technologies, introduced adaptiveness but also increased the productivity and quality of the produces.

This opened a new stage that was based on industrial processes, although it deals with businesses as a whole. It introduces adaptiveness by managing the concepts and fundamentals of business functions. This allows managing the root causes of the functionality of processes to increase their productivity and quality and to ensure their reliability.

Managing the Unified Field of Businesses

The 4th Industrial Revolution is an upgrade towards a superior level of value generation. The unicist approach to the 4th Industrial Revolution is based on managing the unified field of business functions to increase their adaptability, productivity, quality, customer orientation and sustainability.

The unified field is managed by cognitive systems with Unicist Artificial Intelligence that use the ontogenetic maps of business functions to manage the concepts and fundamentals of businesses.  This increases the competitive advantages and fosters growth and profitability.

A Double Dialectical Approach to Fundamentals

The unicist double dialectical logic uses the dualistic operation of neurons to build a mental emulation of the structure of nature that allows dealing with the adaptive aspects of reality. The double dialectical logic establishes the basics of the unicist artificial intelligence and the unicist cognitive systems.

The functionality of adaptive systems and environments is defined by their underlying concepts and fundamentals that have the triadic structure of the ontogenetic intelligence of nature, which has a purpose, an active function and an energy conservation function.

The double dialectical logic allows apprehending the triadic structure of the concepts and fundamentals that define the functionality of adaptive entities and environments based on the conjunction of the elements integrated by complementation and supplementation laws.

A Synopsis of the 4th Industrial Revolution

The 4th Industrial Revolution establishes the framework of the Unicist Cognitive Systems that manage the unified field of businesses. The context of such systems is defined by:

1) 4th Industrial Revolution, integrating digital, physical and biological systems:

2) Industry 4.0. that introduces adaptiveness, productivity, quality, customer orientation and sustainability:

3) First principles methods, that allow dealing with fundamentals and root causes:

4) Artificial intelligence, that emulates human intelligence to build knowledge:

5) Cognitive computing, that allows transforming data into reliable knowledge:

The unicist paradigm shift was a precursor of this approach. It was driven by the discovery of the ontogenetic intelligence of nature and the functionality of human intelligence. These discoveries allowed managing the concepts and fundamentals of business functions and building the unicist artificial intelligence that made unicist cognitive systems possible.

Introduction to Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0 became possible due to the evolution of IT technologies, conceptual management and artificial intelligence. Its goal is to develop businesses as adaptive systems, which implies customer orientation and improving productivity and quality that naturally foster market growth and profit improvement.

Industry 4.0 implies introducing adaptiveness in organizations. Business functions are adaptive when their functionality is feedback dependent. The Unicist Research Institute was one of the precursors of Industry 4.0 through the development of complexity sciences to deal with adaptive systems and environments.

This concept applied to business requires managing the root causes of processes to ensure their reliability. This requires managing the concepts of the business functions involved. The level of industrialization depends on the outputs that need to be produced by the business functions. Therefore, different levels of industrialization coexist in most organizations.

The implementation of Industry 4.0 in business processes might include:

  • The use of a strategic approach and business intelligence to plan and manage growth.
  • The use of tools with artificial intelligence to manage adaptive environments.
  • The use of conceptual management to define business functions.
  • The use of conceptual design to develop business processes.
  • The use of business objects to ensure the productivity and quality of business processes.
  • The use of client centered management to ensure customer orientation.
  • The use of market labs to monitor markets.
  • The use of root cause management to ensure the reliability of results.
  • The use of adaptive IT solutions.

The introduction of adaptiveness in organizations is a step by step process, that needs to generate economic benefits from the beginning. It needs to follow two basic rules:

  • It has to be introduced from “the outside to the inside”, from the external needs to the internal needs, which implies starting with the functions that influence the environment.
  • It needs to be managed from “top to bottom”, which implies the commitment of the management in this change.

Digitalization in the 4th Industrial Revolution

Digitalization is the core aspect of the new stage in industrialization, but it requires being integrated with conceptualization and personalization in order to develop expansive, profitable and sustainable organizations.

Enterprise 4.0 in the 4IR

The concept of digitalization is self-evident and means managing the information of businesses in digital format to increase the efficiency of business processes.

But to digitalize in the sense of the adaptiveness of processes introduced by the 4IR it is necessary to have the concepts of the business functions that allow developing adaptive systems. Therefore, the conceptual design of the business processes is what makes digitalization possible by managing the root causes of business functions.

When this goal is achieved, it becomes necessary to satisfy the needs of the people who participate in the processes.

Personalization is the concept that needs to be introduced which implies organizing the efficacy of business processes and ensuring the role driven organization of the digitalization processes. 

Intelligent Systems to deal with Adaptive Environments

The concept of Industry 4.0, applied to a business as a whole, is necessary to produce sustainable growth. It is based on the use of intelligent systems to simplify the approach to adaptive environments.

The 4th Industrial Revolution introduced adaptiveness in the industrial and business world. The Industry 4.0 concept proposes to manage businesses as adaptive systems increasing customer orientation, productivity and quality.

It has to be considered that the Unicist Theory and its applications were a precursor of the Industry 4.0 concept.

This theory was developed to understand the evolution of adaptive entities and to manage adaptive systems and environments.

The Unicist Approach became mature in the market when the hard technologies allowed developing adaptive industrial processes and gave birth to Industry 4.0.

If you are not aware of the concept of Industry 4.0, you can begin by entering the Wikipedia at:

Industry 4.0, as a concept, can be synthetically defined as the “revolution of adaptive business processes”. Adaptability requires managing the concepts of the business functions in order to be able to integrate different people, technologies, processes, systems, objects and tools.

As the previous industrial revolutions, Industry 4.0 coexists with the previous stages, providing a significant competitive advantage for those who enter this stage.

A Revolution for Growth

The evolution of IT, Internet and Artificial Intelligence finally allowed transforming adaptiveness into the 4th Industrial Revolution. Growth and business expansion is the effect produced by the introduction of this revolution. Growth is the consequence of adaptiveness, which allows empowering customer centricity while increasing productivity and quality.

Unicist Artificial Intelligence

Unicist artificial intelligence was developed to manage adaptive systems and environments. It is a core tool when dealing with the concept of “Industry 4.0” applied to businesses.

It allows monitoring adaptive solutions by using the unicist logic that emulates the intelligence that underlies nature. It provides a tool for root cause management, unicist business strategy building and conceptual management.

When dealing with big data it is complemented with neural networks to develop reliable big data analytics.

The unicist artificial intelligence allows developing monitors to manage business intelligence, business strategy, marketing and designing business functions and business objects. It allows emulating and supporting the development of solutions in the mind of deciders.

The unicist artificial intelligence allows building monitors to emulate and develop adaptive systems in social, economic and business environments.

Industry 4.0

Adaptive solutions can only be managed by structured flexible processes with a high level of productivity and quality.

Adaptability requires managing the concepts and fundamentals of the business functions, which allow managing the root causes of market behavior, the root causes of businesses processes and the root causes of industrial processes to ensure customer satisfaction, productivity and quality.

The following technologies are part of Industry 4.0:

  1. Unicist Business Strategy: to develop maximal strategies to grow and minimum strategies to ensure profits.
  2. Unicist Conceptual Management: to manage businesses as adaptive systems and organize using business objects.
  3. Unicist Root Cause Management: to manage the root causes of business problems based on the knowledge of the fundamentals of the business functions.
  4. Unicist Root Cause Marketing: to expand markets based on the management of the root causes of buying processes.

The Unicist Approach: A Precursor of Industry 4.0

The unicist approach is based on the Unicist Theory, which introduced a paradigm shift in sciences that allowed managing complex adaptive entities, systems and environments. The multiple applications of the unicist theory allowed developing the paradigm shift in business to manage businesses as adaptive systems to generate sustainable growth.

The organizational aspects are sustained by the following discoveries:

  1. The functionality of concepts as drivers of human actions.
  2. Unicist Strategy, that emulates the intelligence of nature, to develop maximal strategies and minimum strategies.
  3. The structure of the concepts of economic, social, political and market behavior to develop Business Intelligence.
  4. Unicist Object Driven Organization, that emulates the organization of nature, to build business objects.
  5. Unicist Artificial Intelligence that allows managing the root causes of business processes.

The market oriented aspects are sustained by the following discoveries:

  1. The roots of human intelligence and their functionality.
  1. The functionality of concepts as triggers and root causes of buying decisions.
  1. The structure and functionality of collective intelligence.
  1. The structure and functionality of marketing objects.
  1. Unicist Artificial Intelligence that allows managing the root causes of buying processes.

The unicist paradigm shift was developed at The Unicist Research Institute, which has been, since 1976, a pioneer in complexity science research, that is fully focused on developing solutions to deal with adaptive entities, systems and environments.

The focus on sustainable growth drove to the development of the Unicist Conceptual Management approach to manage businesses as adaptive systems. It allows introducing the concept of Industry 4.0 and applying it beyond productive processes. Unicist Conceptual Management was developed to manage sustainable growth.

Considered from the point of view of the industrial process maturity it requires the use of:

  • Client Centered Management to ensure customer orientation, value generation and results.
  • Conceptual Design to manage the unified field of business functions and define the functionality of the adaptive systems.
  • Unicist Artificial Intelligence to manage the dynamics and evolution of adaptive systems.
  • Unicist Object Driven Organization to install business objects, working as adaptive systems, within the business processes to increase their productivity and quality.

Industrial Revolutions and Mindsets

Industrial Revolutions foster and establish dominant mindsets to fulfill their purposes. These mindsets include the preceding mindset as complementary approaches.

Mindsets of Industrial Revolutions

Operational thinking is the dominant mindset in the 1st Industrial Revolution.

Mechanization requires operational thinking and the solutions provided by this stage deal with the operation of things.

Analytical thinking is the dominant mindset in the 2nd Industrial Revolution.

The analytical approach allows managing mass production in a meaningful way by dividing these masses into manageable entities.

Systemic thinking is the dominant mindset in the 3rd Industrial Revolution.

Automation requires envisioning the unified field of the operation and its components in order to build the automated processes.

Conceptual thinking is the dominant mindset in the 4th Industrial Revolution.

The Industry 4.0 stage is based on improving the adaptiveness of processes by being fully consumer/user/buyer oriented, increasing the productivity, which implies improving the cost-value relation and increasing the quality to become fully reliable.

The Unicist Logic to Deal with Adaptive Environments

The unicist logic is an emulation of the logic that underlies nature that allows understanding and managing adaptive systems and environments. It has to be considered that systems are adaptive when their produces are feedback dependent.

This logic allowed defining the structure of the concepts and fundamentals that define the root causes of the functionality of adaptive systems making them reasonable, understandable and predictable. The resulting artificial intelligence allows ensuring the results of adaptive systems and provides the conceptual structure of business functions, of business scenarios and for big data analysis.

Thus, the unicist logic provided the structure to define, design and manage adaptive processes and the necessary knowledge of the concepts and fundamentals that underlie business functions. This ensures the adaptive behavior in markets which naturally generates growth.

The Unicist Paradigm Shift: The DNA of Businesses

The Unicist Paradigm Shift in Business establishes the framework of the unicist approach to the 4th Industrial Revolution. It defines the different technologies and methodologies to be used to manage businesses as adaptive systems.

The discovery of the intelligence that underlies nature allowed emulating it, emulating its organization and emulating its evolution.

This drove to the discovery of the structure and functionality of concepts and fundamentals that drive human behavior and underlie things which define the root causes of adaptive environments.

This structure of concepts defines the DNA of organizations and adaptive systems that allowed managing the root causes of their functionality.

This upgraded business management, introducing a new stage in business diagnostics, future research, business strategy, business architecture and applying it to business process design. This approach established the conceptual structure of Industry 4.0.

The Unicist Research Institute

Main Markets

• Automobile • Food • Mass consumption • Financial • Insurance • Sports and social institutions • Information Technology (IT) • High-Tech • Knowledge Businesses • Communications • Perishable goods • Mass media • Direct sales • Industrial commodities • Agribusiness • Healthcare • Pharmaceutical • Oil and Gas • Chemical • Paints • Fashion • Education • Services • Commerce and distribution • Mining • Timber • Apparel • Passenger transportation –land, sea and air • Tourism • Cargo transportation • Professional services • e-market • Entertainment and show-business • Advertising • Gastronomic • Hospitality • Credit card • Real estate • Fishing • Publishing • Industrial Equipment • Construction and Engineering • Bike, motorbike, scooter and moped • Sporting goods

Country Archetypes Developed

• Algeria • Argentina • Australia • Austria • Belarus • Belgium • Bolivia • Brazil • Cambodia • Canada • Chile • China • Colombia • Costa Rica • Croatia • Cuba • Czech Republic • Denmark • Ecuador • Egypt • Finland • France • Georgia • Germany • Honduras • Hungary • India • Iran • Iraq • Ireland • Israel • Italy • Japan • Jordan • Libya • Malaysia • Mexico • Morocco • Netherlands • New Zealand • Nicaragua • Norway • Pakistan • Panama • Paraguay • Peru • Philippines • Poland • Portugal • Romania • Russia • Saudi Arabia • Serbia • Singapore • Slovakia • South Africa • Spain • Sweden • Switzerland • Syria • Thailand • Tunisia • Turkey • Ukraine • United Arab Emirates • United Kingdom • United States • Uruguay • Venezuela • Vietnam