The Next Stage in the World

Keynote lecture: Functionalism, the Next Stage in the 4IR

This is an interactive lecture that provides a vision of the new stage of the 4th industrial revolution and how to take advantage of the Era of functionality that is being introduced. The 4IR introduced the era of functionality in the business world. Dealing with the functionality of businesses managing the functionalist principles, which are based on the use of unicist logic.

Functionalism is a logical approach that deals with the functionalist principles that define the unified field of businesses and their functions to manage their functionality, dynamics, and evolution.

The unicist logic, which is an emulation of the intelligence that underlies nature, allowed the establishment of the structure of the functionalist principles and the synchronized binary actions that make them work.

This logic provided the rules that made the development of Unicist AI possible which allows for managing abstractions and defining inferences engines that deal with complex problems.

The unicist AI emulates the human conscious thinking process to apprehend the concepts of adaptive systems and environments to make decisions. This AI deals with the concepts and fundamentals of the real world to manage the functionality of things.

Functionalist Principles, Binary Actions, and Functionalist Objects

Functionalism in business only requires knowing the map that defines the functionalist principles of the unified field of business functions, defining the binary actions that make them work, and building the necessary functionalist objects to ensure their functionality.

Functionalist Principles

The functionalist principles define that there is nothing in the universe, which is part of a system, that does not work with a purpose, an active and entropic function, and an energy conservation function.

It requires knowing the functionalist principles of the business functions that define their functionality, driven by the binary actions that make them work.

Binary Actions

Binary actions are two synchronized actions that on the one hand, expand businesses while on the other hand, they ensure their results. They were developed to manage the evolution of businesses by managing actions to install maximal strategies to grow and minimum strategies to ensure results.

The functionality of businesses, driven by binary actions, is based on the use of the supplementation and complementation laws of the unicist logic.

Functionalist Objects

Unicist functionalist objects are encapsulated adaptive systems that produce predefined results that can be inserted into processes to increase energy efficiency. From a functional point of view there are different types of objects:

  • Driving Objects
    To drive processes
  • Catalyzing Objects
    To open possibilities and accelerate processes
  • Entropy Inhibiting Objects
    To inhibit the entropy of processes
  • Inhibiting Objects
    To inhibit dysfunctional events
  • Gravitational Objects
    To influence the results of processes.

This lecture provides a vision of the next stage in business, introduced by the 4th Industrial Revolution.

The Unicist Research Institute


Personal interactive lecture: $25,000
Virtual interactive lecture: $7,000