Structural Business Solutions

The Unicist Approach to Root Causes

A superior level of business design became possible due to the discovery of the structure of the intelligence that underlies nature and the discovery that concepts drive human actions. These actions are triggered by the conceptual short-term memory (CSTM) and stored in the long-term memory (LTM), working as an automatic response that needs to fit into a required functionality.


It has to be considered that unicist concepts and fundamentals define the root-causes of problems and are the root-drivers of solutions. They allow defining what is possible to be achieved and develop the maximal and minimum strategies and actions to make it happen.

The researches allowed defining the triadic structure of the intrinsic concepts that regulate the evolution of living beings and the extrinsic concepts that underlie the functionality of inanimate entities that define their nature. Concepts include maximal and minimum strategic functions to grow and to ensure survival and are integrated by the fundamentals that drive the functionality of entities.

This drove to the discovery that the root-causes of the functionality of any process are given by the underlying concepts and their fundamentals. (See the Ishikawa’s root-cause diagrams)

The Unicist Research Institute developed, since 1976, more than 5,000 researches to develop the unicist ontological structures that define the functional concepts in the field of social, institutional and individual evolution.

The unicist approach to business is based on the research of the concepts that underlie business functions that allowed dealing with their nature, managing the root-causes of problems and the root-drivers of solutions in order to define structural business solutions that:

  • increase significantly the effectiveness of business processes
  • allow expanding the boundaries of businesses without changing their concepts
  • reduce notoriously the costs
  • ensure the achievement of results

Conceptual design is the approach needed to organize based on the concepts of business processes. It has to be considered, that the structure of concepts is timeless (it exists while the function exists) and cross-cultural, while their operational functionality is environment dependent. As human actions are driven by the concepts they have, the accuracy of conceptual design is the core of business organization in adaptive environments, where efficacy and efficiency need to be integrated.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.
