Unicist Conceptual Management

The Unicist Standard provides the unicist unified field method to manage the unified field of business functions to ensure the achievement of results.
The discovery that the concepts and fundamentals people have in their long-term memory drive their actions, allowed managing the fundamentals of business functions, driving management to a superior level. On the one hand, unicist conceptual management approaches the root causes of business problems to develop structural solutions, using unicist conceptual design to ensure their functionality. On the other hand, conceptual management allows forecasting the future using a unicist strategic approach to develop maximal strategies to grow and minimum strategies to ensure results. The unicist unified field method defines the steps to diagnose, build solutions and develop pilot tests to ensure the results of business processes.



Unicist Conceptual Management allowed dealing with businesses as adaptive processes, by managing their concepts and fundamentals that define the DNA of their business functions.

This approach upgrades the preexisting traditional approach to business management. It is a paradigm shift that allowed managing root causes, developing the conceptual design of solutions, building maximal and minimum strategies and developing the necessary actions to produce results.

Unicist conceptualization is necessary to deal with complex problems, to develop structural simple solutions. It is based on the discovery and emulation of the intelligence that underlies nature. It allowed managing the root causes of adaptive environments by knowing the concepts that drive their functionality.

The 4th Industrial Revolution introduced adaptiveness in the industrial and business world, which included the use of artificial intelligence and cognitive systems. Unicist Conceptual Management allowed developing the unicist artificial intelligence that sustains the unicist cognitive systems.

Fundamentals drive Conceptual Management

Unicist Conceptual Management, that is a paradigm shift in business management, is the synthesis of the nature of business management that manages the concepts and fundamentals of business functions. It includes the management of the future scenario that allows designing a strategy, the knowledge of the root-causes of problems and the root-drivers of business processes, the development of the conceptual design to define these processes and the development of the maximal and minimum strategy actions to ensure results.

The fact that concepts drive human actions and define the root-causes of things drove to the development of Unicist Conceptual Management that materializes the unicist approach to businesses. This development drove management towards a superior level of possibilities.

The evolution of IT solutions and tools made the operational aspects of business manageable. This evolution, in which the operational aspects have been solved, requires a different kind of knowledge to manage businesses. This knowledge is simpler, but requires dealing with the root-causes of things to manage the structure of businesses.

Business management in the XXI Century requires, besides the functional leadership skills, managing the concepts of a business and the concepts of the restricted and wide contexts to be able to expand the business and ensure its permanence.

This unicist conceptual management approach upgrades, but includes, the preexisting traditional approach to business management.

This upgrade is a paradigm shift in management that allowed managing root-causes, developing the conceptual design of solutions, building maximal and minimum strategies and developing the necessary actions to produce results.

In other words, what the unicist conceptual management did, was upgrading the management approach to ensure the generation of value

This superior level of business design and management became possible due to the discovery and emulation of the intelligence that underlies nature and the discovery that concepts drive human actions. This is the management model of the XXI Century. The unicist conceptual management approach integrates:

1. Business Strategy: The Unicist Strategy emulates the strategy implicit in the intelligence that underlies nature and establishes a maximal strategy to grow and a minimum strategy to survive.

2. Conceptual Design: This conceptual design defines the unified field of the functions of adaptive systems and defines their dynamic process architecture.

3. Root-Cause Management: It manages the root-causes of problems and the root-drivers of solutions.

4. Unicist Actions: This approach defines the actions that need to be done following a logical synchronicity in order to work as a critical mass to ensure results in adaptive environments.

5. Structural Solutions – Unicist Thought Experiments: It establishes the pathway and methods to build the reliable knowledge necessary to manage the 4 preceding aspects.

1. Unicist Business Strategy

The unicist strategy is a conscious planning process to achieve possible goals developing maximal strategies to expand one’s boundaries and minimum strategies to ensure profits.

It integrates expansive and defensive strategies as a unit. The Unicist Strategy is an emulation of the evolution of nature in order to develop strategies in adaptive environments.

The unicist double dialectical approach allows defining interdependent strategies that permit achieving the goal of growing in adaptive environments. It enables the development of stable actions to expand in the environment. Learn more about the unicist conceptual management approach: click here.

2. Unicist Conceptual Design

The development of processes, projects, systems and solutions in adaptive environments requires managing the concepts involved in order to ensure the results to be obtained. The conceptual design ensures the functionality of a solution.

Unicist conceptual design manages the root-causes of problems and the root-drivers of solutions. It becomes necessary to ensure results in adaptive environments by managing the fundamentals of the solutions, defining the necessary functions that are integrated as a unified field and ending with the definition of a dynamic process architecture. Learn more about the unicist conceptual management approach: click here.

3. Root-Cause Management

Unicist concepts and fundamentals define the root-causes of problems and are the root-drivers of solutions. They allow defining what is possible to be achieved and developing the maximal and minimum strategic actions and business objects to make it happen.

The fact that unicist concepts and fundamentals define root-causes and root-drivers was confirmed after more than 20 years of application in the social, institutional and individual fields. Its business application is the field where it has an extreme added value. Its predecessor was Dr. Ishikawa with the root-cause diagram that manages fundamentals to deal with root-causes in the industrial field. Learn more about the unicist conceptual management approach: click here.

4. Unicist Actions

The unicist actions, that include two synchronic interdependent actions,  were developed to ensure influential actions in adaptive environments where the results are feedback-dependent and the univocal unitary actions do not have the necessary critical mass to ensure results.

They include maximal actions, that are focused on expanding the boundaries of an activity, and minimum actions that are focused on sustaining the boundaries and ensuring the benefits. These actions need to happen successively, beginning with the maximal strategy actions, which then have to work simultaneously with the minimum strategy actions. Learn more about the unicist conceptual management approach: click here.

5. Structural Solutions: An Action-Reflection-Action Process

People can manage those problems whose solutions they are able to emulate in mind. Different functional intelligences allow emulating different types of solutions. This process was named “Thought Experiment” and has become a popular domain through Albert Einstein’s work.

Thought Experiment – Gedankenexperiment: Albert Einstein, one of the greatest minds of the 20th century, forever changed the landscape of science by introducing revolutionary concepts that shook our understanding of the physical world. One of Einstein’s most defining qualities was his remarkable ability to conceptualize complex scientific ideas by imagining real-life scenarios. He called these scenarios Gedankenexperiment, which is German for thought experiments. (Ali Sundermier) – Nikola Tesla’s researches and developments are also paradigmatic examples of this approach to science and problem solving.

The unicist approach to business was developed to build structural solutions in adaptive environments. This requires emulating reality in mind. This emulation is materialized in the building of a model that has to be homologous to the real world. This model must allow envisioning a specific functional reality and also experiencing it. The unicist approach to the emulation of reality is homologous to the thought experimental approach.

The unicist approach implies an action-reflection-action process that requires finding the root-causes of facts and emulating in mind the solutions that upgrade the previous stage. Unicist reflection requires the use of destructive tests to define the limits of the validity of knowledge or solutions. The unicist destructive tests are based on self-criticism, which fosters personal improvement, and includes a spontaneous amending attitude and the capacity of laughing at oneself. Learn more about the unicist conceptual management approach: click here.

Benefits of the Unicist Conceptual Management Approach:

• +40% increase of the speed of business growth.
• +25% of increase of marketing effectiveness.
• +20% of cost saving in business processes.
• +30% of complex projects cost saving.
• 99.5% of results assurance.
• 80% of cost reduction for business process maintenance and improvement.
• +30% increase in the efficacy of the participants.


Main Markets

• Automobile • Food • Mass consumption • Financial • Insurance • Sports and social institutions • Information Technology (IT) • High-Tech • Knowledge Businesses • Communications • Perishable goods • Mass media • Direct sales • Industrial commodities • Agribusiness • Healthcare • Pharmaceutical • Oil and Gas • Chemical • Paints • Fashion • Education • Services • Commerce and distribution • Mining • Timber • Apparel • Passenger transportation –land, sea and air • Tourism • Cargo transportation • Professional services • e-market • Entertainment and show-business • Advertising • Gastronomic • Hospitality • Credit card • Real estate • Fishing • Publishing • Industrial Equipment • Construction and Engineering • Bike, motorbike, scooter and moped • Sporting goods

Country Archetypes Developed

• Algeria • Argentina • Australia • Austria • Belarus • Belgium • Bolivia • Brazil • Cambodia • Canada • Chile • China • Colombia • Costa Rica • Croatia • Cuba • Czech Republic • Denmark • Ecuador • Egypt • Finland • France • Georgia • Germany • Honduras • Hungary • India • Iran • Iraq • Ireland • Israel • Italy • Japan • Jordan • Libya • Malaysia • Mexico • Morocco • Netherlands • New Zealand • Nicaragua • Norway • Pakistan • Panama • Paraguay • Peru • Philippines • Poland • Portugal • Romania • Russia • Saudi Arabia • Serbia • Singapore • Slovakia • South Africa • Spain • Sweden • Switzerland • Syria • Thailand • Tunisia • Turkey • Ukraine • United Arab Emirates • United Kingdom • United States • Uruguay • Venezuela • Vietnam