Collaborative Corporate R&D Partnering

Unicist Business Strategy

Based on Functionalist Technologies

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Installing Unicist Strategies for Growth

Based on Collaborative Corporate R&D Partnering

The installation of Unicist Strategies begins with the building of a functionalist prototype. Unicist growth strategy is based on managing the functionalist principles of businesses and developing the necessary synchronized binary actions, and installing the necessary catalysts to generate growth. 

Their implementation includes the use of business cobots based on Unicist AI to manage maximal and minimum strategy actions. Unicist strategies use situation rooms to foster participative decision-making. This collaborative project generates an initial positive cashflow for the company, and includes technologies that might be protected by non-disclosure agreements.

Unicist Strategy manages the Functionality of Businesses

It includes the use of maximal and minimum strategies, binary actions, and catalysts to ensure growth
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Unicist Business Strategies begin with the building of a Functionalist Prototype

The installation of unicist strategies includes the building of a prototype to learn from the feedback
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Begin by Testing a Real Solution using Functionalist Technologies

We recommend experiencing a real solution to a problem using functionalist technologies to generate results
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Basic Technologies & Tools

Learn About the Technologies that are Used in this Project

The use of Functionalist Design to define the functionality of processes

Managing the functionalist principles of processes and building binary actions and business objects to ensure results
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Future Scenarios are built to define possibilities

The definition of possibilities defines the context where maximal and minimum strategies take place
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Unicist Strategy Cobots are intelligent collaborative robots

The use of business cobots ensures the functionality and operationality of businesses strategies
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Action plans use Unicist Binary Actions to ensure results

They are synchronized actions that aim at the same purpose to ensure the functionality of a strategy
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The validation process is based on the use of Pilot Tests

Pilot testing is based on the design of specific destructive tests and non-destructive tests
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Functionalist Technologies