Collaborative Corporate R&D Partnering in the 4IR

Functionalist R&D Tools

To Enhance Energy Efficiency, Adaptability & Customer Orientation

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Technological Framework of the Unicist Confederation

Using Functionalist Technologies in the 4IR

The 4th Industrial Revolution introduced energy efficiency, adaptability, and customer orientation in the business world. 

The technological framework of the Unicist Confederation uses functionalist technologies to manage the possibilities opened by the 4IR. 

It is based on using the functionalist principles of business processes, the binary actions that make them work, unicist AI to manage their functionality, and the building of prototypes to ensure results.

The Development of Prescriptive Diagnoses using the Business Compass

The compass is a prescriptive diagnostics system that proposes solutions based on functionalist predictors 
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Using the Unicist Functionalist Designers to build Business Solutions

Managing the functionalist principles of processes and building binary actions and objects to ensure results
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The Building of Functionalist Prototypes using Unicist AI

All installations of business solutions include the building of prototypes to learn from their feedback
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Teaching Cobots for Technology Transfer to Companies and Educational Programs

Teaching cobots support the activities of technology transfer, functionalist design, and educational programs
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Organizing by Roles and Objects to Manage the Functionality of Businesses

Roles & objects driven organization is the natural organizational model in the 4th industrial revolution
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Functionalist Technologies