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Collaborative Corporate R&D Partnering in the 4IR

Partnering Model of The Unicist Research Institute

Cooperation in Diversity

Corporate Partnering in the 4th Industrial Revolution

Managing the Functionality of Businesses

The Unicist Confederation is the business arm that provides the unicist functionalist technologies developed at The Unicist Research Institute. It operates as a confederation of partners who lead the business.

Our primary markets are international companies or organizations that are in the process of internationalizing their operations, adhering to the principle of “design globally and operate locally”. In our business model, each company is treated as a distinct market.

Our business activities are primarily virtual and rely on the technologies developed by The Unicist Research Institute. Access the Confederative Partnering Model https://www.unicist.net/confederative-partnering/

Partners conduct autonomous activities, which are supported by the research institute’s endeavors. The partnership model entails a collaborative venture with each Partner, built on exclusive relationships specific to a certain market. Our strategy encompasses the involvement of Industry Specialists and the development of Alliances.

About The Unicist Research Institute

The Unicist Research Institute

Since 1976, The Unicist Research Institute has been the world-leading research organization in its segment 
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Business Partnering

The unicist functionalist approach to business is based on the discovery and development of the functionalist principles of businesses, enabling the management of their processes’ functionality.
The initial phase of this new stage involves introducing the use of unicist functionalist design to enhance efficiency and adaptability.

Beginning with a Working Agreement with an International Company

Developing exclusive associations with consulting firms to develop collaborative processes with international companies and their subsidiaries. The activities are basically virtual. The business is based on fixed fees plus success fees.

Marketing Partnering

The unicist functionalist approach to marketing is based on the discovery that the concepts people hold in their minds drive their actions, including buying decisions.
The initial face of this new stage is to introduce the use of unicist conceptual segmentation, building the necessary marketing objects to accelerate growth.

Beginning with a Working Agreement with an International Company

Developing exclusive associations with marketing consultants, researchers, and advertising agencies to develop collaborative processes with international companies and their subsidiaries. The business is based on fixed fees plus success fees. 

Educational Partnering

The discovery of the unicist ontology of adults’ learning processes has led to a return to basics in the era of digitization, which led to reflection-driven education.
The initial face of this new stage is to establish business education as a “teaching hospital in business,” where participants address real issues while they learn.

Beginning with a Working Agreement with an International Company

Developing exclusive associations with leading training organizations to install in-house universities introducing technologies required by the 4IR in companies and their subsidiaries. The activities are basically virtual. The business is based on fixed fees and success fees based on the value generated by the participants.

Intellectual Partnering with Industry Leaders

The primary goal of this initiative is to uncover the core principles of the next-generation industry in collaboration with senior industry leaders. These experts have navigated the complex ecosystems of businesses and their real-world interactions. We extend an invitation to those interested in intellectually contributing to a model that bolsters business efficiency, carves out new avenues for upcoming generations, and makes it work now.

Introducing the Functionalist Approach in the Business World

Our activities are developed with senior industry leaders, individuals who feel a deep sense of interest in guiding the business world into its next phase. This new era has been ushered in by the innovations of the 4th industrial revolution, particularly through data-driven AI and fundamentals-based AI. It was made possible based on the functionalist approach to science that made the functionality of adaptive systems manageable. Such advancements reshape the operational dynamics of businesses, necessitating a profound understanding of the “know-why” and the “know-how” across the multifaceted cultural contexts worldwide.


Business Alliances for Specific Projects

The Unicist Research Institute establishes complementary alliances with academic and business organizations to develop specific projects.
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Functionalist Technologies