Unicist Object-Driven Selling Based on Binary Actions

After four years of research using sales objects based on unicist binary actions, the Object-Driven Selling approach was completed in 2024. The research involved different participating groups, including B2B and B2C sales processes, covering both face-to-face selling and e-commerce. The approach was finalized when the increase in sales effectiveness exceeded the established minimum objective of 30%. This success was achieved through the creation and use of catalysts and high-impact communication objects.

Unicist Binary Actions in Sales Processes

The Unicist Functionalist Approach to sales enabled the development of a technique that builds segmented binary actions, enhancing sales effectiveness by integrating the marketing efforts of defining specific segmentation for particular products and aligning the selling actions with the defined buying processes. This approach became fully actionable through the development of conceptual segmentation of buying arguments and comfort zone segmentation of customers.

To understand unicist binary actions in sales processes, it is necessary to integrate the buyer’s perspective and satisfy their needs by following the processes they have in mind. A buying process always begins when there is a need or desire to be fulfilled. This is the first step that defines the purpose of the buying process.

When a desirable or needed proposal is presented, an objection naturally arises in the buyer’s mind. This objection is implicit in the buyer’s concept and the concept of the proposal.

When the proposal aligns with the buyer’s concept and fits within their comfort zone, the objection becomes a buying signal. If the salesperson provides an adequate response to the objection, the sales process can be considered complete if the convenience of the proposal is evident.

The action of the proposal and the action generated by the implicit objection define the set of binary actions in the sales process. This approach is effective if the sales process is segmented to target only those individuals whose concept of the proposal matches the concept they hold in their minds. This is why segmentation significantly enhances sales effectiveness.

But what happens in virtual buying processes where there is no salesperson? The answer is that the process is the same. When an individual is approached through virtual communication and has the desire or need to buy, an implicit objection arises that needs to be addressed by the next communication object to close the sale.

This means that in all sales processes, binary actions are defined by an initial action (UBA a) that opens possibilities, followed by a consequent action triggered by the buyer’s reaction, which generates an objection and leads to closing the sale.

Every proposal generates its implicit objection. Therefore, these unicist binary actions can be predesigned based on market research or experience, and only need to be managed with proper synchronicity to ensure a natural sales process.

You can learn how to manage unicist objects driven selling by using the Multilingual Unicist Virtual Advisor

The Unicist Research Institute
