Unicist Marketing: A Double Dialectical Approach

The unicist marketing approach is based on the fact that human actions are driven by the concepts people have. This implies that if the functional concepts individuals have are known, then their behavior can be predicted and influenced with a high level of accuracy.

Unicist Behavioral Marketing, also named Unicist Object Driven Marketing, is an application of the discovery of the structure of concepts that emulates the intelligence that underlies nature and defines the “nature” of things.

In the B2C market, the unicist approach is based on knowing the hard segments and the concepts that underlie the functionality of products/services and the potential buyers´ behavior. In the B2B market this approach is based on knowing the concepts of the business aspects that define the operational archetype of companies.

The application of Unicist Marketing is based on the use of maximal and minimum strategy actions to ensure the influence on buying decisions. These maximal and minimum strategy actions are applied in advertising, relationship building, promotions and sales closing processes. The unicist logical tools provide a framework to define these actions and monitor their functionality.

Unicist Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute has been, since 1976, the pioneer in using a unicist ontological approach to deal with complexity. It introduced a paradigm shift in sciences emulating the triadic intelligence of nature, integrating complexity sciences with systemic sciences. This research allowed developing unicist technologies to manage the complex aspects in the social, business and individual fields. https://www.unicist.net/marketing/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/turi-1.pdf
