Daily Archives: May 26, 2017

Unicist Product/Service Demonstrations

Unicist Marketing Demonstration processes are the way to install a new idea in the mind of a potential client. They are an application of the use of semantic objects, which sustain the demonstration process avoiding the need of facing conflicts produced by the introduction of new knowledge.

Their purpose is to allow the participants to have a pleasant experience in a controlled environment where they feel safe. These conditions are necessary to ensure an environment of personal involvement, which drives the experiencing process of the participants.

Maximal Strategy

The maximal strategy actions are given by proposing things that satisfy needs without becoming a competitor with the potential clients. These proposals have to include all the necessary attributes to be extremely desirable to have.

To work as a demonstration, it is also necessary that the proposal be perceived as essentially harmonic with the environment. It might be new, it might be a breakthrough but it has to fit within the “rules” of the environment. This allows using semantic objects to avoid conflicts during the demonstration.

Conflict Management Objects

These objects are used to approach the episodic memory of individuals. They need to be based on a mind opening figurative communication and include a message that has to be based on objective information.

Complementation Building Objects

These objects are used to approach the long-term memory of individuals in its oneness. It is a structural approach that needs to include the different aspects individual consider when making a decision.

Minimum Strategy

In the development of a demonstration process, the minimum strategy is based on the credibility of the proposal, which means that it needs to make things possible that were not possible before. But in order for the demonstration process to work, the promise of making things possible that were not possible before needs to be considered within the possible expectations. The promise needs to be part of an existing trend in the field of application in order to have credibility.

Any demonstration requires the existence of an influential authoritative context that can be built using semantic objects. The use of these objects within the demonstration process avoids conflicts.

Informative objects

These objects are used to approach the semantic memory of individuals. They need to include a message based on news that people are expecting and their figurative language needs to be sustained by graspable analogies.

Value Adding objects

These objects are used to approach the procedural memory of individuals. They need to include a message based on a meaningful interpretation of the reality an individual is facing and their figurative language needs to be sustained by meaningful metaphors.


A demonstration process ends when a potential client envisions the benefits of the value proposition and has the intention to buy or become a user.

It has to be considered that to achieve this goal, the approach to potential clients requires a previous segmentation avoiding the presentation to people who obtain no benefit from the proposal.

If a demonstration is made for people who do not benefit from the proposal, the process degrades into a conflict.

On the other hand, when the functional semantic objects are used responding to the segments that will benefit from the proposal, the demonstration process will end up in installing a new idea in the mind of a potential client.

* Semantic objects are linguistics communications, in written or verbal format, that have the power to install meaningful knowledge in the long-term memory of an individual.

Diana Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.

