Unicist Cobots are Intelligent Collaborative Robots

Unicist Cobots are collaborative business robots that sustain human activities. They significantly increase the efficiency and adaptability of processes. They are systems that foster growth and increase profitability.

Cobots simplify businesses by managing the functionality of their processes. They are the core approach to manage businesses in the 4th industrial revolution.

In this context, there are operational, managerial and commercial cobots.

On the other hand, cobots might have two basic functions. Forward integration, which includes the development of adaptive automation, and backward integration, that provides the necessary knowledge for decision making processes.

The Use of Unicist AI

Cobots became possible due to the discovery and development of the unicist logic and the development of unicist AI that allow defining and implementing the binary actions that are needed to ensure results in businesses.

The unicist AI is a fundamentals-based AI that uses indicators, predictors and the rules established by the unicist logic.

It allows developing the necessary automation of business processes that allows managing the adaptability of business functions. Unicist AI solves the subjective bias of data-based AI.

The Use of Binary Actions

Any adaptive system and environment is driven by binary actions. Binary actions are two synchronized actions that expand businesses while they ensure their results. Unicist AI allows defining the natural binary actions that are needed in a process.

Binary actions were developed to manage the evolution of adaptive environments by managing actions to install maximal strategies to grow and minimum strategies to ensure results.

There are two types of binary actions: catalyzing actions and driving actions. Their functionality is defined by the ontogenetic maps of the business processes.