Binary actions are based on the functionalist principles of business processes to expand possibilities while ensuring results. The 4th Industrial Revolution introduced the functionalist approach to businesses based on managing the functionality of their processes to make them adaptive and customer centered.
The unicist approach is based on the functionalist principle that defines the how and why of the functionality of things to install the binary actions that make things work.
The functionalist principle gave birth to functional knowledge to manage the real world by integrating the know-how and the know-why of things.
Binary actions empower the value of processes while they diminish their costs. They use catalysts to expand the boundaries of solutions and business objects to accelerate processes and ensure their functionality.
What for?
The functionalist approach uses binary actions to increase value generation and reduce costs. Binary actions are needed to:
Implement Business Strategies
Manage Marketing and Sales Processes
Design Organizational and Business Processes
Foster Talent Development
Develop Intelligent Systems and Applications
The Functionalist Principle
The functionalist principle defines that there is nothing in the universe, which is part of a system, that does not work with a purpose, an active and entropic function, and an energy conservation function. Their interaction defines the functionality of the binary actions that make functionalist principles work.
Binary actions are two synchronized actions that, one the one hand, open possibilities establishing a functional context and, on the other hand, close processes to generate results.
The Power of Binary Actions
Binary actions make things work. 100% of the business models of expansive businesses are based on binary actions that include the use of catalysts. Binary actions are intuitively used by those who need to achieve results.
The discovery of the functional structure of binary actions made the systematic design of synchronized binary actions possible, which simplified and ensured the results of business processes.