Monthly Archives: April 2014

U-DROIDS as Adaptive Business Robots

The discovery and development of the unicist logical approach to business made the development of the unicist objects driven technologies possible to manage businesses as adaptive systems. Both technologies provided the basic tools to develop business robots that allow introducing adaptive automation in value generating processes to manage the adaptive aspects of businesses.

U-droidsThere exist three paradigmatic productive robots:

  • Autopilots
  • Industrial Robots
  • Unicist Business Robots

Unicist Business Robots

Business robots are focused on managing the adaptive systems of an organization in order to ensure the achievement of the objectives that have been established.

1) The U-DROID was developed to:

Deal with minimum and defensive strategies using business objects to develop their actions.

Develop energy conservation functions of the maximal strategies.

2) The U-DROID is the first business robot that was designed to manage adaptive business processes. It has two versions:

  • U-DROID for businesses
  • U-DROID as a professional assistant

U-DROID for Businesses

Maximal vs. Minimum Strategies

Maximal strategies are those actions that expand the boundaries of an activity while they count with the safe environment generated by the minimum strategy.

Minimum strategies are those actions that happen within the boundaries of an activity that provide the necessary complement to sustain a status quo.

Defensive vs. Expansive Strategies

The U-DROID was designed to develop defensive strategies and sustain expansive strategies. Although one of its main uses is the expansion of the commercial network, this expansion only provides the basics to build or empower commercial relationships.

The Use of Business Objects

The U-DROID was designed to develop business objects driven processes. These business objects include:




Operational Objects
Functional Objects
Systemic Objects
Knowledge Objects (*)
Driving Objects
Inhibiting Objects
Entropy Inhibiting
Catalyzing Objects
Semiotic Objects
Semantic Objects
Commercial Objects
Learning Objects

(*) One of the functions of the U-DROID is to provide the necessary knowledge needed to make decisions. This implies giving automatic access to the knowledge objects reservoirs that correspond to the specialty.

Access a white paper on “U-DROIDS: Business and Professional Robots” at:

Diego Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.