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Unicist Strategy Driven Solutions

A Functionalist Approach for Business Growth

The Unicist Evolutionary Approach (UEA), which emulates nature, fosters growth and ensures results by using concepts, fundamentals, maximal and minimum strategies with the corresponding binary actions and the use of business objects. As part of our partnering policy, the unicist technologies are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Functional Strategies vs. Empirical Strategies

Functional strategy building introduced an upgrade in the strategy building process. While empirical strategies are based on the knowledge of the know-how of businesses, functional strategies are based on the integration of the know-why with the know-how.

Empirical strategies are developed based on multiple unidirectional cause-effect actions, while the functional strategic approach is based on the use of synchronized binary actions that allow developing maximal and minimum strategies. This applies to business, marketing, organizational, financial and competitive strategies.

Unicist Binary Actions

The New Stage in Business Technologies

The research work at The Unicist Research Institute allowed explaining and managing the functional root-causes of social and business processes, their evolution, and how to make things happen.

The adaptability of businesses, introduced by the 4th Industrial Revolution, was solved by the unicist evolutionary approach that made businesses reasonable, understandable, and predictable.

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Implementation through Collaborative Projects

The implementation of Unicist Technologies is based on the development of participative R&D projects that ensure their functionality and allow transferring the technology.

These activities are developed in In-house solution building factories that use the technologies included in the Unicist Functional Designers.

All the projects are based on the generation of positive cashflow for the clients. 

The Unicist Evolutionary Approach in the 4th Industrial Revolution

The 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR) is the first industrial revolution that introduced a paradigm shift focused on the generation of market value based on the introduction of adaptability of business processes and customer orientation.

The Unicist Evolutionary Approach (UEA) is based on the unicist logic to emulate the intelligence of nature and uses conceptual technologies to manage the fundamentals and functionality of business processes.

Conceptual Marketing

The Use of the Conceptual Segmentation Application

The conceptual segmentation establishes the clusters of potential clients based on their buying-decision processes. It helps the selling argument match the buying argument. Its use allows:

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The Use of the Binary Actions Application to Influence Buyers

Every marketing action generates a natural reaction. On the contrary, the use of unicist binary actions influences the root causes of the customer’s buying decisions and substitutes reaction for complementation. The use of binary actions allows:

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The Use of the Marketing Objects Application

The use of commercial, semantic and branding objects enhances the influence on potential buyers and empowers the synchronicity of binary actions integrating catalysts. This allows:

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The Use of the Catalyzing Objects Application

Catalysts allow establishing a space in the market, increasing the efficiency and the speed of marketing processes. Changes in the market require changing the catalysts that are being used. The use of catalysts allows:

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Unicist Strategy

Using the Unicist Strategy Application for Growth

Unicist Strategy is an emulation of the intelligence of nature. It was created to manage adaptive processes to foster growth through the development of maximal strategies and ensure survival through the development of minimum strategies. Its use allows:

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Using the Object Driven Organization Application

The object driven organization was developed to ensure the adaptability of business processes and their customer orientation. It accelerates business processes and ensures their reliability. Its use allows:

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Business Intelligence

The Use of the Business Intelligence Application

Unicist business intelligence is based on the research of the fundamentals of businesses, the development of future scenarios and the management of descriptions, indicators and predictors. Its use allows:

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Strategic Analysts

Having In-house Strategic Analysts

Strategy building requires managing the fundamentals of business processes. Strategic analysts provide the framework, information and possibilities for strategic decision making. Its use allows:

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The Unicist Research Institute

The Unicist Research Institute (TURI) is a world leader in its segment. Since 1976, it has been specialized in complexity sciences applied to the research on the roots of evolution and its application to social, institutional, business and individual evolution. TURI has a business arm, an academic arm and a social arm. www.unicist.org