Collaborative Corporate Partnering

Functionalist Business Technologies

in the 4th Industrial Revolution

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Managing the Functionality of Businesses

Collaborative Corporate Partnering

The Unicist Confederation is the business arm of The Unicist Research Institute that partners with companies to introduce the functionalist technologies developed.

These technologies are based on the functionalist principles that are needed to manage the roots of the functionality of business processes and the root causes of problems. Functionalist principles allow developing the necessary binary actions that, on the one hand, expand the possibilities of businesses and, on the other hand, ensure their results.

The installation of the functionalist technologies is based on the use of intelligent cobots and applications to ensure results. All the projects are based on collaborative corporate partnering to ensure a positive cashflow for the companies.

Functionalist Technologies for Strategy & Business Intelligence

To simplify scenario building, business intelligence and the design of minimum and maximal strategies

Functionalist Technologies for B2B/B2C Marketing & Sales

To expand and accelerate marketing and selling processes using marketing cobots, binary actions and unicist AI

Contingency Rooms based on the use of Functionalist Principles

To manage business problems, marketing problems, conflict management, and crisis management

Functionalist Technologies for Organization & Management

To manage the adaptability of business processes using collaborative robots (cobots) and binary actions

Using Fundamentals based AI to build Business Cobots

Unicist AI is a rule-based approach to the fundamentals of processes to drive the adaptability of businesses

Installing the Distribution 4.0 Model in Companies

Integrating providers with distributors and customers to enhance complementation in the Era of Digitization

Functionalist Technologies for Knowledge Management

To access the functional knowledge and the ontogenetic maps of the fundamentals of business functions

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Functionalist Technologies