Specific Strategy Building
Specific strategies are based on the input provided by the wide context scenarios and the restricted context scenarios. These scenarios have to provide the information of the gravitational forces that influence the specific activity, the possibilities for developing them, the catalyst that may exist and the inhibitors that need to be avoided or accepted as limits for the strategy building.
An organization or individual is equilibrated when maximal strategies are being developed while minimum strategies are built to ensure the survival.
Maximal strategies are designed to expand the boundaries of an individual or organization, while minimum strategies happen within the boundaries of an organization.
That is why maximal strategies require dealing with uncertainty and risks and only a conscious knowledge of the unified field that integrates the wide context, the restricted context, the specific strategy and the architecture of the solution allows managing it.
To deal with maximal strategies it is necessary to have a high level of consciousness that allows dealing with backward-chaining thinking that allows envisioning the solution.
Backward-chaining thinking implies approaching a strategy with a hypothetical solution and beginning a falsification and validation process that allows building a final solution.
Minimum strategies are those that happen within the known boundaries of an individual’s or organization’s activity working in a context of certainty.
Therefore, in these types of strategies, only a medium level of consciousness is required. Minimum strategies are based on forward-chaining thinking that allows working step by step based on the known methods of a known field.
The Ontogenetic Map of a Specific Strategy Building Process
When an individual or organization has only minimum strategies, it tends to disappear. Minimum strategies are necessary either to ensure growth once the maximal strategy has been achieved, or for marginal survival.
The influence an individual or organization has on the environment functions as a catalyst for the development of a minimum strategy. The lack of influence acts as an inhibitor and endangers survival.
Growth as a trend of the environment and as a need of the individual or organization is the driver of the minimum strategy.
Minimum strategies are driven by the need to grow and are catalyzed by the influence the organization or the individual has in the environment.
When there is neither a driver nor a catalyst, the minimum strategies become desperate survival efforts to permit an organization or individual to be alive the next day.
In that case there are no strategies, but there are just intuitive and common sense driven actions to ensure survival.
The steps to be followed to build a specific strategy are the following:
- Define the goals to be achieved based on the information of the wide context and restricted context scenarios.
A) Define the nature of the individual or organization in order to be respected.
B) Define the trade-off the individual or organization has to do in order to achieve growth.
C) Define the growth that has to be achieved. - Define the hypothesis of the value proposition to be posed to develop the maximal strategies.
- Define what has to be won beyond the boundaries of the present activity.
- Define the influence that is necessary and is available to develop the maximal strategy.
- Confirm the value proposition to be posed to expand the boundaries.
- Define the survival conditions for the individual or organization.
- Define the win-win approach to be done to put the minimum strategy into action.
- Define the prices to be paid in order to sustain survival.
- Confirm the conditions of survival of the individual or organization
- Develop the necessary destructive and non-destructive tests.
Types of Strategies
The four structural operational segments of strategies will be defined considering them as static. Each one of them develops a different type of strategy:
- Surviving Strategies
- Defensive Strategies
- Dominant Strategies
- Influential Strategies
These segments can be described in unicist standard language as follows:
1) Surviving Strategies
These are the strategies that aim to survive within the boundaries of an activity.
They are based on a win-win approach that has to be managed as a zero sum strategy in order to avoid appropriating value from the environment.
These strategies are natural for marginal activities developed by people who work at the “border” of their environment. The price they pay is that surviving activities have no critical mass that sustains them.
Therefore they need to be continuously active in order to ensure survival. They need to work 24/7.
2) Defensive Strategies
They include the preceding level. They aim to defend the boundaries of their activity against true threats.
They are based on establishing the necessary operational and control systems to defend the “borders” of their activity. They are power driven because they need to exert power in order to defend their activity.
They are focused on paying the necessary prices to sustain their business. The prices they pay sustain their survival and at the same time hinder their expansion.
They work necessarily with strict zero-sum low cost, self-sufficient activities because they cannot trust others to defend their business.
3) Dominant Strategies
They include the preceding level. Dominant strategies are based on the influence the individual or the organization has in an environment.
They are focused on developing the necessary value propositions that can be sustained with their influence. They tend to impose functional monopolies that allow them to establish the standard for their activities in the environment.
They need to invest a high level of energy in developing their influence through image building and the exclusion of the individual or organizational competitors that do not accept their standards.
They work with value adding strategies in order to legitimate their dominance.
4) Influential Strategies
They include the preceding level. They are based on exerting influence by improving the value proposition of their competitors.
They are based on having the necessary speed to be “faster” than the competitors which allows them winning in their environment.
Their value propositions are innovative and they are successful when they have the necessary critical mass to influence the environment.
They are innovation driven in order to exert the influence of a higher value proposal.
They naturally build alliances in order to obtain the necessary influence for their value propositions.
Essentially, it can be said that a Unicist Strategy is a conscious process to influence the environment in an adapted way.
This implies that the nature of a personal strategy requires an adaptive attitude in order to influence the environment and profit from it. Therefore, over-adapted people cannot develop but subjective strategies that work as anti-strategies.
It has to be considered that individuals or institutions grow if the energy they appropriate is higher than the energy they consume. That is why developing a strategy requires being able to increase the value of what is delivered while reducing the cost of producing it.
The purpose of developing strategies is to grow in an environment. Individuals or institutions either grow or involve. There is no possibility of being fixed at a level because the environment is evolving and that transforms any “inaction” to remain at the same level into an involution process.
Growing requires influencing the environment to deliver something and profiting from the counterpart. Influencing implies being able to develop an asymmetric complementation, with a negative slope, with the environment in which the strategy is being developed.
Adaptiveness requires that this influence occurs within the limits of the rules of the environment. These rules regulate both adaptive and over-adaptive aspects of the environment.
Main Markets
• Automobile • Food • Mass consumption • Financial • Insurance • Sports and social institutions • Information Technology (IT) • High-Tech • Knowledge Businesses • Communications • Perishable goods • Mass media • Direct sales • Industrial commodities • Agribusiness • Healthcare • Pharmaceutical • Oil and Gas • Chemical • Paints • Fashion • Education • Services • Commerce and distribution • Mining • Timber • Apparel • Passenger transportation –land, sea and air • Tourism • Cargo transportation • Professional services • e-market • Entertainment and show-business • Advertising • Gastronomic • Hospitality • Credit card • Real estate • Fishing • Publishing • Industrial Equipment • Construction and Engineering • Bike, motorbike, scooter and moped • Sporting goods
Country Archetypes Developed
• Algeria • Argentina • Australia • Austria • Belarus • Belgium • Bolivia • Brazil • Cambodia • Canada • Chile • China • Colombia • Costa Rica • Croatia • Cuba • Czech Republic • Denmark • Ecuador • Egypt • Finland • France • Georgia • Germany • Honduras • Hungary • India • Iran • Iraq • Ireland • Israel • Italy • Japan • Jordan • Libya • Malaysia • Mexico • Morocco • Netherlands • New Zealand • Nicaragua • Norway • Pakistan • Panama • Paraguay • Peru • Philippines • Poland • Portugal • Romania • Russia • Saudi Arabia • Serbia • Singapore • Slovakia • South Africa • Spain • Sweden • Switzerland • Syria • Thailand • Tunisia • Turkey • Ukraine • United Arab Emirates • United Kingdom • United States • Uruguay • Venezuela • Vietnam