The unicist unified field method was developed to define what is possible to be achieved when dealing with specific adaptive systems or environments. The objective of this method is to define the framework for solution building processes.
This method provides the necessary information that ensures the possibility of developing reliable maximal strategies to grow and minimum strategies to ensure results. It is the first step of any complex problem-solving approach.
The Functionality of the Method
The unicist unified field method was developed to discover the possibilities of influencing an environment. The knowledge of possibilities defines what is possible to be done in a specific environment.
Therefore, the unicist evolutionary approach to reality begins by defining what is possible to be achieved before defining what wants or what needs to be done.
The unicist unified method is a 3-step method that allows defining the possibilities based on the capacity of envisioning a specific field of the environment and the technological and social trends that drive its evolution.
The three steps are:
- Define the conceptual structure of the field of actions (category)
- Emulate the functionality and trends of the category in mind
- Define the possibilities of the empty spaces that are found
Step 1:
Defining the conceptual structure
It requires defining the conceptual structure of the category of the field of actions by describing the ontogenetic maps that defines it. The validity of this conceptual structure is confirmed by homological benchmarks.
The category includes the specific conceptual structure of an activity and the structure of its restricted and wide contexts. The restricted context is what drives the evolution of the category while the wide context establishes its framework.
Step 2:
Emulating the functionality of the category in mind
The purpose of an emulation is the construction of a mental model that has to be homologous, in functional terms, to the external reality that is being influenced.
This process requires emulating its operational-functional aspects and the structural fundamentals in mind.
It is a “thought experiment” that needs to be transformed into a reasonable, understandable and provable description that establishes the framework where the possibilities can be found.
Step 3:
Defining possibilities
This step requires developing two different actions:
- Defining the indicators and predictors of the functionality and evolution of the category. These indicators and predictors are used as substitutes of the functional description of the activities.
- Defining the alternative possibilities that become visible during this process. The unicist reflection method is used to discover and define these possibilities.
Defining possibilities requires being solution thinking oriented. Those who are problem oriented cannot discover possibilities.
Problem oriented people avoid defining the possibilities that exist in an environment. They approach reality based on what they want or need to achieve.
Expert Systems to Sustain Methods
The unicist expert systems are alternative tools for any method that deals with business problem solving or solution building.
They were developed to manage the fundamentals of business processes by managing the root causes of processes to develop solutions in adaptive environments.
With multiple specialized modules to solve specific problems, these systems manage the unified field of the business processes to manage their functionality, dynamics and adaptability.
Note: The R&D work of this technology/methodology was led by Peter Belohlavek at The Unicist Research Institute.
The Unicist Research Institute