The 4th Industrial Revolution introduced the functionalist approach to businesses based on managing the functionality of their processes to make them adaptive and customer-centered.
The solution for this new stage was introduced in the market by the unicist functionalist technologies. They allow making a logical approach to the real world, developing the functional structures of solutions, their conceptual design, and the operational processes to make them happen.
The unicist functionalist technologies were developed to manage the concepts that underlie the functions that are being managed.
They made businesses reasonable, understandable, and predictable, and empower their customer orientation, adaptability, and growth, increasing their shareholder value, customer value, and stakeholder value.
Using functionalist technologies you can:
1) Install Intelligent Business Cobots to accelerate processes and save costs
Unicist Cobots are collaborative robots that manage the functionality of business processes. The functionality of business cobots manages, on the one hand, the efficacy of processes using logical rules or artificial intelligence and, on the other hand, the efficiency of the operation to ensure the achievement of their purpose.
2) Use Unicist AI to build Intelligent Systems
The use of Unicist AI, which is a fundamentals-based AI, allows managing processes using adaptive automation. Fundamentals-based AI uses indicators and predictors both to monitor processes’ functionality and as an inference engine input.
3) Install Binary Actions to ensure results
Binary actions are two synchronized actions that aim at the same purpose. Binary actions empower the value of processes while they diminish their costs. They are needed to develop solutions in adaptive environments. They use catalysts to expand the boundaries of solutions and business objects to accelerate processes and ensure their functionality.
4) Build Intelligent Business Catalysts to accelerate growth
The functionality of businesses requires the use of catalysts. They are process accelerators that diminish the efforts needed to produce results. Catalysts are defined by their influence on the environment, their capacity to satisfy latent needs of the environment, and their timing which makes them work where they are needed.
5) Install Business Objects to save costs and ensure quality
The functionality of adaptive systems is based on the use of objects. Unicist business objects are encapsulated adaptive systems that produce predefined results that can be inserted into work processes to increase productivity and quality and to save energy.
The unicist AI is a fundamentals-based AI that allows managing the functionality of processes. Functionalist technologies are focused on the development of intelligent systems and cobots that became possible due to the conceptual approach, which uses the unicist logic and the concepts and fundamentals of business processes to build binary actions to generate value.