Monthly Archives: May 2012

The ontological reverse engineering process

Ontological reverse engineering processes are necessary to apprehend the ontogenetic map of a certain reality that has already been discovered or discover the ontological structure of a function in the real world. This process requires having both technical analytical knowledge and fundamental knowledge integrated them with a unicist reflection process.

Ontointelligence defines the capacity of individuals to deal with complex problems. Ontointelligence is integrated by the individuals’ strategic intelligence, their type of logical thinking and their ethical intelligence.

This defines the focus of an individual’s activity, the value s/he adds to the environment, the capacity to forecast the future and the field in which an individual is naturally successful.

Intelligence evolves when an individual matures. The maturity permits an individual to achieve the maximal level of influence on reality.

Backward thinking implies being able to think from the end to the beginning. Consider a mounting line. It is the capacity of an individual to decompose the final “product” into its components.

When we are talking about ontological reverse engineering it means that in this process the individual is able to find the nature of a specific reality. To do so, an individual has to be able to discover the structure of the nature of that reality.

The ontological reverse engineering process is the basic approach to rediscover the concepts of a reality that have been discovered. And in order to do this, individuals need to discover the components of the “mounting line” that define the final reality until they had found the objects that integrate that reality.

Access the content of the book “The Nature of Unicist Reverse Engineering for Object Design” at the Unicist Library:

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a global decentralized world-class research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.