Conceptual Economy is a Macro-Micro Approach

This is a synthesis of the works on conceptual economy developed by Peter Belohlavek to provide a guiding idea of how to deal with real economy considered as a complex adaptive system. It is part of the conceptual model for country scenario building and forecasting.

Conceptual EconomyThe development of the conceptual approach to country scenarios, which included conceptual economy, started in the ’70s and its core aspects were finished in the ’90s.

It was triggered by the need to find a structural solution to the multiple failures in applying economic solutions to different countries. The objective was to find the concepts that allow adapting the systemic economy to the true drivers of economics considered as a complex system managing its unified field.

A) What changed?

  1. The expansion of countries is not based on military occupation anymore. The military became a dissuasion power.
  2. Democracy became the next utopia in the world, which established the basis for the era of participation.
  3. The existence of several expansive poles and the creation of the European Union.
  4. The transformation of economy into the driver for local and international expansion.
  5. The role of banks in the administration of monetary circulation.
  6. The influence of International Institutions to prevent or palliate local economic/financial crises.

B) What remained unchanged?

  1. The fact that the USA is the leading economy in the world.

C) What made conceptual economy possible?

  1. The discovery of the logic that underlies nature.
  2. The discovery that individuals’ actions are driven by the concepts they have which are cross-cultural and timeless.
  3. The unicist anthropological modeling of collective unconsciousness and the consequent country (cultural) archetypes.
  4. The discovery that the archetype of a culture and the concept of work it has, establish the context of the unified field in which economic behavior becomes possible.
  5. The discovery of ethical intelligence as the deepest driver of individual and social behavior and its consequences in economics.
  6. The discovery of thee concepts and fundamentals that drive economic behavior.
  7. The discovery that the concepts of macro and micro economic behavior are homologous.
  8. The discovery of the unified field of economics.
  9. The development of a logical solution that allowed transforming a conceptual approach to the complexity of economics into a systemic approach to deal with variables and cause-effect relationships.
  10. The discovery that extreme consumerism, extreme communism and authoritarianism foster over-adaptive behaviors and survival ethics and stagnant survival ethics.

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NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.