The Unicist Evolutionary Approach to Business

A Logical Approach to Business

The unicist logical approach to businesses and their processes allowed managing them as adaptive systems making them reasonable, understandable, predictable and manageable. This logic made the development of the Unicist Artificial Intelligence possible.

The power of the unicist logic lies in its simplicity. It only requires reasoning in terms of maximal strategies and minimum strategies and of complementation and supplementation. It implies moving from a dualistic approach towards a functionalist approach.

It is based on the discovery of the functionality of the intelligence of nature that drove to the development of the unicist logic, which allows managing the functionality, dynamics and evolution of adaptive systems with open boundaries.

The unicist logic allows emulating nature by developing binary actions that manage maximal strategies to grow and minimum strategies to ensure results. It simplifies business processes by building business objects and catalysts to ensure and accelerate the generation of results. It is the approach needed to manage adaptability in the 4th Industrial Revolution.

The Unicist Evolutionary Approach in the 4th Industrial Revolution

The 4th Industrial Revolution is the first industrial revolution that introduced a paradigm shift focused on the generation of market value. It fostered adaptiveness and customer orientation in businesses. It made Industry 4.0, the Internet of things and artificial intelligence possible. To ensure the reliability of business processes, this new stage requires managing their complexity by dealing with the root-causes of business functions.

The Unicist Research Institute has changed the paradigms of complexity science research.

The discovery of the ontogenesis of evolution, made by Peter Belohlavek at The Unicist Research Institute, that defines the root causes of evolution, allowed managing the paradigm shift introduced by the 4th Industrial Revolution.

This drove to the development of the Unicist Evolutionary Approach (UEA) that uses fundamentals to build a framework to manage the root-causes of business functions.

It increases their adaptability and their speed of growth and improves their profitability in an environment of customer orientation and sustainability.

This approach uses the concepts and fundamentals of business processes, expert systems and unicist artificial intelligence.

This development was based on the researches, developed since 1976, of the concepts and fundamentals that underlie social and business functions and processes.

These researches, which are still ongoing, allowed managing the root causes of businesses. Thus, the business processes became reasonable, understandable and predictable.

The Upgrade Introduced by the UEA

The Unicist Evolutionary Approach increases the growth, the profitability and the adaptability of businesses:

  1. It manages the possibilities of businesses to develop maximal strategies to grow and minimum strategies to ensure survival.
  2. It develops binary actions to implement these maximal and minimum strategies to ensure results.
  3. It organizes by roles and objects to increase the speed and quality of processes and foster continuous improvement.

The 4th Industrial Revolution requires a Conceptual Mindset

Industrial Revolutions foster and establish dominant mindsets to fulfill their purposes.

Industrial Revolution Mindset

Operational thinking is the dominant mindset in the 1st Industrial Revolution.
Mechanization requires operational thinking, so the solutions provided by this stage deal with the operation of things.

Analytical thinking is the dominant mindset in the 2nd Industrial Revolution.
The analytical approach allows managing mass production in a meaningful way by dividing these masses into manageable entities.

Systemic thinking is the dominant mindset in the 3rd Industrial Revolution.
Automation requires envisioning the unified field of the operation and its components in order to build the automated processes.

Conceptual thinking is the dominant mindset in the 4th Industrial Revolution.
The Industry 4.0 stage is based on improving the adaptiveness of processes by being fully consumer/user/buyer oriented, increasing the productivity, which implies improving the cost-value relation and increasing the quality to become fully reliable.

The Origin of the Unicist Evolutionary Approach

The discovery of the root causes of evolution made at The Unicist Research Institute, allowed developing the UEA that manages the unified field and the root causes of social, individual and business evolution.

The Unicist Evolutionary Approach

The UEA manages the concepts and fundamentals of processes and is synthesized in the unicist strategy and the unicist conceptual management that emulate the intelligence, organization and evolution of nature to develop maximal strategies to grow and minimum strategies to ensure results.

The UEA is based on:

  1. The root causes of evolution, to deal with the context.
  2. The root causes of processes, to design and optimize processes, action plans and unicist binary actions (UBAs).
  3. The root cause of behavior, to understand and influence behavior.
  4. The emulation of processes to develop their conceptual design.
  5. The unified fields of processes, to define the conceptual and systemic structures of adaptive entities.
  6. The ontogenetic maps, to design the unified field of the functionality of processes and objects
  7.  The unicist strategy that emulates the intelligence, organization and evolution of nature to foster growth and ensure results.
  8. The building of UBAs to transform unicist strategies into results.

The UEA emulates the triadic organization of nature to foster the evolution of things. Evolution needs to be understood and influenced in order to adapt to the environment.

Functionality of the UEA to Business

The UEA to business was developed to ensure the adaptability, customer orientation and sustainability of businesses while it fosters growth and profitability.

It drives to the development of businesses as adaptive systems that have the capacity to evolve based on their conceptual structure that makes them extremely functional. The UEA is integrated by three core fundamentals: Unicist Strategy, Unicist Tactics and the Organization by Roles and Objects.

Unicist Strategy

Unicist Strategy is the driver of the UEA. The UEA uses a unicist strategic approach that emulates the intelligence, organization and evolution of nature based on the knowledge of the concepts and fundamentals of business functions. This approach requires managing the unified field of businesses and their root causes in order to establish sustainable processes.

Unicist strategy is functional when it has been transformed into organizational processes, business objects and actions. The maximal strategy of this approach is defined by the tactics to be implemented.

Unicist Tactics – Unicist Binary Actions (UBAs)

The unicist strategy is transformed into tactics by developing unicistbinaryactions (UBA) that allow integrating the actions of business catalysts and drivers and the actions of the maximal and minimum strategies in a way that ensures the achievement of the results that have been defined as possible.

The UEA is based on a conceptual design that uses the ontogenetic maps of the business functions to ensure the functionality of the design of the processes. This conceptual design implies using catalysts in all the adaptive aspects of processes to ensure the achievement of results.

Organization by Roles and Objects

These catalysts accelerate the functionality of business processes and allow defining the business objects that are necessary to ensure their reliability and quality.

Unicist Evolutionary Approach

The UEA considers two types of pilot tests: the destructive tests and the non-destructive tests.

Unicist destructive pilot tests begin when the functionality of a solution has been confirmed in the real world. The destructive testing consists in extending the application of a solution in adjacent application fields until it doesn’t work anymore. This allows defining fully reliable solutions. These destructive tests are followed by non-destructive tests to validate the functionality in a specific field of action.

Time management is a core aspect in adaptive environments because it defines the adaptability of the processes. Out of time is a synonymous of dysfunctionality.

Functionality of the UEA

The UEA is the natural approach to the 4th Industrial Revolution. It applies to any type and size of businesses and it works as a generic catalyst that accelerates the functionality of business +30%.

The Nine Pillars of the UEA

The UEA is materialized by the fundamentals that are implicit in its essential concept that integrates: strategy, tactics and roles & objects driven organization.

The UEA is based on 9 pillars that provide the operational approach to foster growth, profitability and sustainability using the technologies available in the 4th Industrial Revolution. They are:

Unicist Strategy

  • Unicist Strategy: to develop maximal and minimum strategies, within the limits of what is possible to be achieved, to grow and ensure results.
  • The Unified Field Management: to manage the unified field of the concepts of business processes, to define what is possible to be achieved and how to make it happen.
  • Root Cause Management: to manage the root causes of business problems and the root drivers of solutions.

Unicist Tactics – UBAs

  • Unicist Binary Actions: based on unicist logic to ensure the functionality and sustainability of adaptive systems and environments.
  • Conceptual Design: to define the architecture of the unified field of business solutions.
  • The Use of Catalysts: to accelerate the processes of business functions and ensure the achievement of results in adaptive environments.

Organization by Roles & Objects

  • Business Objects: to accelerate business processes and ensure their quality.
  • Timing: to ensure the synchronicity and functionality of processes.
  • Pilot Tests: to develop pilot tests to ensure results, find the root causes of problems and develop their solutions.

Unicist Binary Actions (UBAs)

In adaptive environments, in order to evolve, it is necessary to develop, on the one hand, actions that foster expansion and, on the other hand, actions that ensure minimum results. These two actions define the double dialectics of the evolution of an environment. Therefore, unicist binary actions are needed to ensure the functionality of adaptive processes.

Human actions are driven by the concepts people have in their mind that are stored in their long-term memory. To influence human adaptive actions, it is necessary to use unicist binary actions that allow accessing the concepts people have in mind. This approach is necessary to deal with: strategy, marketing, management, IT architecture, teamwork, politics, social behavior, economic behavior, education, etc.

These actions begin by integrating an external catalyst in the system to influence the processes to ensure their adaptability and sustainability.

Adaptive systems need catalysts to be adaptive in their environment; without them, these systems involve and implode.

Then it is necessary to define the objects of the adaptive processes as autonomous, self-organized and interdependent functions that are able to develop the necessary binary actions to ensure the fulfillment of their specific purpose.

To design binary actions, it is necessary to know the ontogenetic maps that define the concepts and fundamentals of a function and use the unicist logic to define these actions.

The final step is the development of destructive and non-destructive pilot tests to confirm the functionality of the actions.

The Paradigm Shift of the 4th Industrial Revolution

The UEA was developed based on the resources of the 4th industrial revolution to provide a simple way to foster business expansion of companies whatever their type or size. This approach ensures business growth, profitability and sustainability.

The 4th Industrial Revolution introduced the need of having a conceptual mindset to manage the possibilities opened by adaptive business processes. It requires going beyond the systemic mindset introduced by the 3rdIndustrial Revolution.

The Unicist Approach to the 4th Industrial Revolution

This paradigm shift includes:

  1. The management of the unified field of business processes to develop a superior level of productivity.
  2. The use of maximal strategies to foster growth and minimum strategies to ensure results.
  3. The use of catalysts to ensure the synchronicity of adaptive processes.
  4. The use of conceptual segmentation to manage the root causes of buying processes to ensure customer orientation.
  5. The management of the root causes of business processes to ensure quality.
    The UEA to the 4th Industrial Revolution increases the speed of business growth and ensures their profitability and sustainability.

The Unicist Research Institute

Main Markets

• Automobile • Food • Mass consumption • Financial • Insurance • Sports and social institutions • Information Technology (IT) • High-Tech • Knowledge Businesses • Communications • Perishable goods • Mass media • Direct sales • Industrial commodities • Agribusiness • Healthcare • Pharmaceutical • Oil and Gas • Chemical • Paints • Fashion • Education • Services • Commerce and distribution • Mining • Timber • Apparel • Passenger transportation –land, sea and air • Tourism • Cargo transportation • Professional services • e-market • Entertainment and show-business • Advertising • Gastronomic • Hospitality • Credit card • Real estate • Fishing • Publishing • Industrial Equipment • Construction and Engineering • Bike, motorbike, scooter and moped • Sporting goods

Country Archetypes Developed

• Algeria • Argentina • Australia • Austria • Belarus • Belgium • Bolivia • Brazil • Cambodia • Canada • Chile • China • Colombia • Costa Rica • Croatia • Cuba • Czech Republic • Denmark • Ecuador • Egypt • Finland • France • Georgia • Germany • Honduras • Hungary • India • Iran • Iraq • Ireland • Israel • Italy • Japan • Jordan • Libya • Malaysia • Mexico • Morocco • Netherlands • New Zealand • Nicaragua • Norway • Pakistan • Panama • Paraguay • Peru • Philippines • Poland • Portugal • Romania • Russia • Saudi Arabia • Serbia • Singapore • Slovakia • South Africa • Spain • Sweden • Switzerland • Syria • Thailand • Tunisia • Turkey • Ukraine • United Arab Emirates • United Kingdom • United States • Uruguay • Venezuela • Vietnam