A Logical Approach to Business
The unicist logical approach to businesses and their processes allowed managing them as adaptive systems making them reasonable, understandable, predictable and manageable. This logic made the development of the Unicist Artificial Intelligence possible.
The power of the unicist logic lies in its simplicity. It only requires reasoning in terms of maximal strategies and minimum strategies and of complementation and supplementation. It implies moving from a dualistic approach towards a functionalist approach.
It is based on the discovery of the functionality of the intelligence of nature that drove to the development of the unicist logic, which allows managing the functionality, dynamics and evolution of adaptive systems with open boundaries.
The unicist logic allows emulating nature by developing binary actions that manage maximal strategies to grow and minimum strategies to ensure results. It simplifies business processes by building business objects and catalysts to ensure and accelerate the generation of results. It is the approach needed to manage adaptability in the 4th Industrial Revolution.
The Unicist Evolutionary Approach in the 4th Industrial Revolution
The 4th Industrial Revolution is the first industrial revolution that introduced a paradigm shift focused on the generation of market value. It fostered adaptiveness and customer orientation in businesses. It made Industry 4.0, the Internet of things and artificial intelligence possible. To ensure the reliability of business processes, this new stage requires managing their complexity by dealing with the root-causes of business functions.
The discovery of the ontogenesis of evolution, made by Peter Belohlavek at The Unicist Research Institute, that defines the root causes of evolution, allowed managing the paradigm shift introduced by the 4th Industrial Revolution.
This drove to the development of the Unicist Evolutionary Approach (UEA) that uses fundamentals to build a framework to manage the root-causes of business functions. It increases their adaptability and their speed of growth and improves their profitability in an environment of customer orientation and sustainability.
This approach uses the concepts and fundamentals of business processes, expert systems and unicist artificial intelligence. This development was based on the researches, developed since 1976, of the concepts and fundamentals that underlie social and business functions and processes.
These researches, which are still ongoing, allowed managing the root causes of businesses. Thus, the business processes became reasonable, understandable and predictable.
The Upgrade Introduced by the UEA
The Unicist Evolutionary Approach increases the growth, the profitability and the adaptability of businesses:
- It manages the possibilities of businesses to develop maximal strategies to grow and minimum strategies to ensure survival.
- It develops binary actions to implement these maximal and minimum strategies to ensure results.
- It organizes by roles and objects to increase the speed and quality of processes and foster continuous improvement.
The 4th Industrial Revolution requires a Conceptual Mindset
Industrial Revolutions foster and establish dominant mindsets to fulfill their purposes.
Operational thinking is the dominant mindset in the 1st Industrial Revolution.
Mechanization requires operational thinking, so the solutions provided by this stage deal with the operation of things.
Analytical thinking is the dominant mindset in the 2nd Industrial Revolution.
The analytical approach allows managing mass production in a meaningful way by dividing these masses into manageable entities.
Systemic thinking is the dominant mindset in the 3rd Industrial Revolution.
Automation requires envisioning the unified field of the operation and its components in order to build the automated processes.
Conceptual thinking is the dominant mindset in the 4th Industrial Revolution.
The Industry 4.0 stage is based on improving the adaptiveness of processes by being fully consumer/user/buyer oriented, increasing the productivity, which implies improving the cost-value relation and increasing the quality to become fully reliable.
The Origin of the Unicist Evolutionary Approach
The discovery of the root causes of evolution made at The Unicist Research Institute, allowed developing the UEA that manages the unified field and the root causes of social, individual and business evolution.
The UEA manages the concepts and fundamentals of processes and is synthesized in the unicist strategy and the unicist conceptual management that emulate the intelligence, organization and evolution of nature to develop maximal strategies to grow and minimum strategies to ensure results.
The UEA is based on:
- The root causes of evolution, to deal with the context.
- The root causes of processes, to design and optimize processes, action plans and unicist binary actions (UBAs).
- The root cause of behavior, to understand and influence behavior.
- The emulation of processes to develop their conceptual design.
- The unified fields of processes, to define the conceptual and systemic structures of adaptive entities.
- The ontogenetic maps, to design the unified field of the functionality of processes and objects
- The unicist strategy that emulates the intelligence, organization and evolution of nature to foster growth and ensure results.
- The building of UBAs to transform unicist strategies into results.
The UEA emulates the triadic organization of nature to foster the evolution of things. Evolution needs to be understood and influenced in order to adapt to the environment.
Functionality of the UEA to Business
The UEA to business was developed to ensure the adaptability, customer orientation and sustainability of businesses while it fosters growth and profitability.
It drives to the development of businesses as adaptive systems that have the capacity to evolve based on their conceptual structure that makes them extremely functional. The UEA is integrated by three core fundamentals: Unicist Strategy, Unicist Tactics and the Organization by Roles and Objects.
Unicist Strategy
Unicist Strategy is the driver of the UEA. The UEA uses a unicist strategic approach that emulates the intelligence, organization and evolution of nature based on the knowledge of the concepts and fundamentals of business functions. This approach requires managing the unified field of businesses and their root causes in order to establish sustainable processes.
Unicist strategy is functional when it has been transformed into organizational processes, business objects and actions. The maximal strategy of this approach is defined by the tactics to be implemented.
Unicist Tactics – Unicist Binary Actions (UBAs)
The unicist strategy is transformed into tactics by developing unicistbinaryactions (UBA) that allow integrating the actions of business catalysts and drivers and the actions of the maximal and minimum strategies in a way that ensures the achievement of the results that have been defined as possible.
The UEA is based on a conceptual design that uses the ontogenetic maps of the business functions to ensure the functionality of the design of the processes. This conceptual design implies using catalysts in all the adaptive aspects of processes to ensure the achievement of results.
Organization by Roles and Objects
These catalysts accelerate the functionality of business processes and allow defining the business objects that are necessary to ensure their reliability and quality.
The UEA considers two types of pilot tests: the destructive tests and the non-destructive tests.
Unicist destructive pilot tests begin when the functionality of a solution has been confirmed in the real world. The destructive testing consists in extending the application of a solution in adjacent application fields until it doesn’t work anymore. This allows defining fully reliable solutions. These destructive tests are followed by non-destructive tests to validate the functionality in a specific field of action.
Time management is a core aspect in adaptive environments because it defines the adaptability of the processes. Out of time is a synonymous of dysfunctionality.
Functionality of the UEA
The UEA is the natural approach to the 4th Industrial Revolution. It applies to any type and size of businesses and it works as a generic catalyst that accelerates the functionality of business +30%.
The Nine Pillars of the UEA
The UEA is materialized by the fundamentals that are implicit in its essential concept that integrates: strategy, tactics and roles & objects driven organization.
The UEA is based on 9 pillars that provide the operational approach to foster growth, profitability and sustainability using the technologies available in the 4th Industrial Revolution. They are:
Unicist Strategy
- Unicist Strategy: to develop maximal and minimum strategies, within the limits of what is possible to be achieved, to grow and ensure results.
- The Unified Field Management: to manage the unified field of the concepts of business processes, to define what is possible to be achieved and how to make it happen.
- Root Cause Management: to manage the root causes of business problems and the root drivers of solutions.
Unicist Tactics – UBAs
- Unicist Binary Actions: based on unicist logic to ensure the functionality and sustainability of adaptive systems and environments.
- Conceptual Design: to define the architecture of the unified field of business solutions.
- The Use of Catalysts: to accelerate the processes of business functions and ensure the achievement of results in adaptive environments.
Organization by Roles & Objects
- Business Objects: to accelerate business processes and ensure their quality.
- Timing: to ensure the synchronicity and functionality of processes.
- Pilot Tests: to develop pilot tests to ensure results, find the root causes of problems and develop their solutions.
Unicist Binary Actions (UBAs)
In adaptive environments, in order to evolve, it is necessary to develop, on the one hand, actions that foster expansion and, on the other hand, actions that ensure minimum results. These two actions define the double dialectics of the evolution of an environment. Therefore, unicist binary actions are needed to ensure the functionality of adaptive processes.
Human actions are driven by the concepts people have in their mind that are stored in their long-term memory. To influence human adaptive actions, it is necessary to use unicist binary actions that allow accessing the concepts people have in mind. This approach is necessary to deal with: strategy, marketing, management, IT architecture, teamwork, politics, social behavior, economic behavior, education, etc.
These actions begin by integrating an external catalyst in the system to influence the processes to ensure their adaptability and sustainability.
Adaptive systems need catalysts to be adaptive in their environment; without them, these systems involve and implode.
Then it is necessary to define the objects of the adaptive processes as autonomous, self-organized and interdependent functions that are able to develop the necessary binary actions to ensure the fulfillment of their specific purpose.
To design binary actions, it is necessary to know the ontogenetic maps that define the concepts and fundamentals of a function and use the unicist logic to define these actions.
The final step is the development of destructive and non-destructive pilot tests to confirm the functionality of the actions.
The Pillars
1. The Unicist Strategy to Expand Businesses
Maximal and minimum strategies to grow and ensure results
Unicist Strategy was created to develop strategies in adaptive environments, integrating expansive and defensive strategies as a unit to ensure results. It is a planning process to achieve possible goals developing maximal strategies to expand and minimum strategies to ensure results.
Unicist strategies are based on the input provided by the wide context scenarios and the restricted context scenarios. These scenarios have to provide the information of the gravitational forces that influence the specific activity, the possibilities for developing them, the catalyst that may exist and the inhibitors that need to be avoided or accepted as limits for the strategy building.
An organization is equilibrated when maximal strategies are being developed to grow while minimum strategies are built to ensure the survival.
Maximal strategies are designed to expand the boundaries of an organization, while minimum strategies happen within the boundaries of an organization.
Maximal strategies are based on adding value to the environment while winning in the specific environment they work in and are sustained by the power they have to influence the context.
Minimum strategies, on the other hand, are those that happen within the known boundaries of an individual’s or organization’s activity, working in a context of certainty to ensure results.
2. The Unified Field Management
The management of the unified field of business processes
The unified field of adaptive systems or environments is defined by the map of the functions, processes and objects that define their functionality. The management of the unified field allows ensuring the functionality of all the aspects that are required to generate a predefined result.
The knowledge of the unified field is necessary to define strategies, install business objects and use catalysts to accelerate the generation of results.
The management of the unified field of adaptive systems in the social and business fields requires managing the wide context that establishes the trends that define the category of what can be done and the restricted context that catalyzes or inhibits the functionality of a specific system.
The essential maps of the unified field are cross-cultural and timeless. They exist as long as the function exists. This structural knowledge allows understanding all the systems that have the same functionality. This means that the structure of concepts and fundamentals is cross-cultural and timeless although the operational values of these fundamentals are environment dependent.
3. Unicist Root Cause Management
Managing the root causes of business problems and the root drivers of solutions
The use of recurring palliatives in problem solving, when the root causes of problems are unknown, demonstrated to be a fallacious shortcut, frequently used for conjunctural solution building, that produces paradoxical results.
Unicist Root Cause Management introduced an approach for problem solving, facing the management of root causes and avoiding the use of shortcuts used as palliatives, to develop structural solutions.
From Aristotle, Kant, Hegel, Russell and others, in the philosophical field, to the empirical approach of Dr. Ishikawa in the industrial field, the problem of causality was faced trying to find the validity of the causality of things, on the one hand, and introducing the fundamentals of processes on the other hand.
Unicist Root Cause Management introduced an approach to develop structural solutions for problems in adaptive environments. It drives to research the fundamentals of efficacy and efficiency and find a solution that integrates the problems, their restricted context and their wide context.
This approach showed that structural problem solving is the most energy saving action because it hinders the reappearance of problems. It requires apprehending the root causes of problems, working within the boundaries established by the limit causes and ends with a structural solution based on the functionality of the fundamentals of the problem and an operational solution that ensures results.
4. Unicist Binary Actions (UBAs)
Managing binary actions based on unicist logic to ensure the functionality and sustainability of processes.
In adaptive environments, in order to evolve, it is necessary to develop, on the one hand, actions that foster expansion and, on the other hand, actions that ensure minimum results. These two actions define the double dialectics of the evolution of the adaptive environment. Therefore, binary actions are needed to ensure the functionality of adaptive processes.
These actions begin by integrating an external catalyst in the system to influence the processes to ensure their adaptability and sustainability. Adaptive systems need catalysts to be adaptive in their environment; without them, these systems involve and implode.
Then it is necessary to define the objects of the adaptive processes as autonomous, self-organized and interdependent functions that are able to develop the necessary binary actions to ensure the fulfillment of their specific purpose.
To design unicist binary actions, it is necessary to know the ontogenetic maps that define the concepts and fundamentals of a function and use the unicist logic to define these actions.
The final step is the development of destructive and non-destructive pilot tests to confirm the functionality of the actions.
5. Conceptual Design: An Emulation of Reality
The use of conceptual design to define the functionality of processes
Emulating in mind requires envisioning the final picture of the process and the results that will be achieved. This requires having the knowledge of the fundamentals of the process and a solution thinking approach that allows building the solution.
Conceptual design requires expanding the boundaries of one’s mind in order to empower the development of superior solutions, which requires being open to different and contradictory ideas.
This approach requires profiting from these contradictions by integrating the oppositions at a superior level, where they are functionally integrated. It requires avoiding compromises to increase the level of the functionality and sustainability of the design. The use of the unicist Q method simplifies this integration.
An example of this approach in the field of design is the J-Factor of Toyota:
The emulation of the solution becomes possible if the conceptual knowledge of the solution is available. The conceptual knowledge requires managing the unified field that defines the functionality of the concept that drives the solution. The unicist artificial intelligence emulates processes and builds the expert knowledge to manage adaptive processes.
Thus, conceptual design implies integrating the emulation of the solution and the conceptual knowledge of the process to build the process architecture.
The development of solutions in complex adaptive environments requires developing the conceptual design of such solutions. Solutions imply developing systems that are integrated by processes and objects. It has to be recalled that complex systems are necessarily integrated by objects that drive their functionality. The purpose of conceptual design is to define the process architecture of the solution. To make this solution possible, it is necessary to be able to emulate it in mind.
6. The Use of Catalysts
Installing catalysts to accelerate adaptive processes
The 4th Industrial Revolution introduced the concept of adaptiveness in the industrial, economic and social world. This increases notoriously the market orientation and requires managing environments as adaptive systems, which require the use of catalysts to ensure their functionality and evolution.
Unicist business catalysts are process-accelerators that improve results and save costs. Their functionality is based on the use of the concepts and fundamentals of the business functions to manage the root causes of processes.
The unicist evolutionary approach is a catalyst itself, to deal with adaptive systems and environments using the resources of the 4th Industrial Revolution.
The unicist evolutionary approach catalyzes the adaptability of business processes and fosters customer orientation, productivity, quality and sustainability. This approach begins by defining what is “possible” to be achieved before establishing what “wants” to be accomplished.
This approach uses artificial intelligence to catalyze the adaptive aspects of business processes.
Types of Catalysts:
Based on their functionality there are four types of social catalysts: Conjunctural, Specific, Systemic and Generic.
Conjunctural Catalysts: They are centrally focused on expanding possibilities by considering the conjuncture. These types of catalysts are normally absorbed by the system they are catalyzing.
Specific Catalysts: They are centrally focused on ensuring the results that need to be achieved by using a superior framework to minimize the consumption of energy.
Systemic Catalysts: They are centrally focused on increasing the efficiency of the system by introducing a superior technology.
Generic Catalysts: They are centrally focused on solving the implicit weaknesses of the processes and simplifying them.
Levels of Acceleration
The levels of acceleration catalysts introduce in processes, depend on the specificity of their functions.
a) Generic catalysts accelerate the functionality of institutions or organizations. Their acceleration is (+).
b) Systemic catalysts accelerate the functionality of functions and roles. Their acceleration is (++).
c) Specific catalysts accelerate the functionality of processes. Their acceleration is (+++).
d) Conjunctural catalysts accelerate the functionality of conjuncture driven processes. Their acceleration is (++++).
Some of the companies that use business objects and catalysts are: Airbus, Amazon, Apple, BBC, Boeing, Dassault Systemes, Dupont, Ericsson, Facebook, General Electric, Google, Hilton, Honda, Hyundai, LinkedIn, Lufthansa, Mapfre, Mayo Clinic, Michelin, Novartis, Open Text, P&G, Pfizer, SAP, Siemens, Tata Motors, Toyota, Unilever, Walmart, Walt Disney World and Youtube.
7. Using Business Objects in Business Processes
The use of business objects to ensure the quality of processes
The use of business objects allows ensuring the productivity and quality of processes while it accelerates the results that are being produced.
Unicist business objects (UBO) are encapsulated adaptive systems that produce predefined results that can be inserted in work processes to increase productivity and quality and to save energy.
The Unicist Research Institute has developed Business Objects that allow emulating the organization of nature minimizing the energy consumed to generate value.
From a functional point of view there are different types of objects:
- Driving Objects
To drive processes - Catalyzing Objects
To accelerate processes - Entropy Inhibiting Objects
To inhibit the entropy of business processes - Inhibiting Objects
To inhibit dysfunctional events in a business - Gravitational Objects
To influence the results of processes
The Object Driven Organization emulates the organization of nature in institutions. The same way nature is organized by objects, every complex adaptive system is integrated by interdependent objects that make adaptiveness possible.
The human body is an example of this organization by objects. Because of their complexity, objects have, among other characteristics, open boundaries, which imply that any “observer” is part of the system.
The use of business objects structures the timing and synchronicity of business processes.
8. Timing: The Synchronicity of the Unified Field
To ensure the functionality of processes
To achieve goals influencing the environment it is needed to work with an adequate timing. Timing is adequate when it is synchronous with the actions that are needed to provoke a reaction.
Timing is the use of the necessary acceleration with the necessary speed to achieve the synchronicity with the external reality in order to produce a predefined result.
A swing in golf is a “paradigmatic” example for those who play golf or know what golf is. In golf there has to be a timing integrating the stroke, the mass of the ball, the mass of the stick, the player, the field, the weather conditions and the place of the hole.
This appears obvious, but it requires having all these aspects in the mind of the player. These are some of the golf fundamentals.
The swing cannot be forced, it has to flow. It only flows if the player manages the necessary fundamentals while s/he “just does it”.
The same conditions are given in businesses. You need to know the objective and have the necessary acceleration to develop influential actions at the proper time. Your speed will be given by the functionality of your competencies.
It has to be considered that timing cannot be forced, it has to flow. Managing actions based on their fundamentals is the driver of timing in any field.
9. Pilot Testing
A pilot testing process to ensure the achievement of results
The objective of pilot testing is to ensure results and to find the root causes of the problems that might appear. It is the quality assurance process of the unicist evolutionary approach which needs to be used to achieve the objectives that have been established.
The pilot testing process uses two different tests:
- To validate the limits of the functionality of processes and objects.
- To confirm the functionality of specific actions.
The testing of root cause solutions for business processes requires making multiple applications in different segments to ensure their functionality.
Pilot tests are developed as destructive and non-destructive tests that drive the reflection processes to find the root causes of problems and confirm the functionality of the solutions.
– Annex –
Industrial Revolutions and Mindsets
Industrial Revolutions foster and establish dominant mindsets to fulfill their purposes.
Operational thinking is the dominant mindset in the 1st Industrial Revolution.
Mechanization requires operational thinking, so the solutions provided by this stage deal with the operation of things.
Analytical thinking is the dominant mindset in the 2nd Industrial Revolution.
The analytical approach allows managing mass production in a meaningful way by dividing these masses into manageable entities.
Systemic thinking is the dominant mindset in the 3rd Industrial Revolution.
Automation requires envisioning the unified field of the operation and its components in order to build the automated processes.
Conceptual thinking is the dominant mindset in the 4th Industrial Revolution.
The Industry 4.0 stage is based on improving the adaptiveness of processes by being fully consumer/user/buyer oriented, increasing the productivity, which implies improving the cost-value relation and increasing the quality to become fully reliable.
The Paradigm Shift of the 4th Industrial Revolution
The UEA was developed based on the resources of the 4th industrial revolution to provide a simple way to foster business expansion of companies whatever their type or size. This approach ensures business growth, profitability and sustainability.
The 4th Industrial Revolution introduced the need of having a conceptual mindset to manage the possibilities opened by adaptive business processes. It requires going beyond the systemic mindset introduced by the 3rdIndustrial Revolution.
This paradigm shift includes:
- The management of the unified field of business processes to develop a superior level of productivity.
- The use of maximal strategies to foster growth and minimum strategies to ensure results.
- The use of catalysts to ensure the synchronicity of adaptive processes.
- The use of conceptual segmentation to manage the root causes of buying processes to ensure customer orientation.
- The management of the root causes of business processes to ensure quality.
The UEA to the 4th Industrial Revolution increases the speed of business growth and ensures their profitability and sustainability.
The Acid Test of the Unicist Evolutionary Approach
A research on the root causes of business success and failures was developed at The Unicist Research Institute. The discovery of the root causes of the success of startups was the acid test of the unicist evolutionary approach that defined the functionality of the approach
As it is evident, facileness has been expanding fast in the world and has been the killer of startups. In developed countries, more than 80% of startups fail within the first two years of existence. Facileness implies making what one believes, wants or can do prevail over what is needed to be done.
On the one hand, 100% of the companies that failed could never do what was needed to be done to succeed. Facileness prevailed. On the other hand, 100% of the startups that succeeded did what was necessary to be done and used catalysts to accelerate their business processes.
This knowledge allows minimizing risks in the business world. The unicist evolutionary approach provides the framework to manage the root causes of processes to develop what is needed according to the nature of businesses, including the acceleration of processes using catalysts.
The Use of Unicist Expert Systems to Develop Solutions
The management of business adaptiveness is a paradigm shift introduced by the 4th Industrial Revolution. This drove to the development of the Unicist Expert Systems to manage the unified fields and fundamentals of business processes to develop solutions in adaptive environments.
These systems provide an intelligent participative tool to manage the unified field of the business processes to increase their adaptability, productivity, quality and customer orientation.
The Unicist Expert Systems were developed at The Unicist Research Institute using the knowledge-base generated by more than 5,000 researches developed in the field of social, business and individual evolution.
There are systems available for each category of business function, which allow generating solutions that manage the root causes of the problems and developing the catalysts needed to ensure results in adaptive environments.
Unicist Double Dialectical Logic
The unicist double dialectical logic is an emulation of the intelligence and strategy of nature that allows developing maximal strategies to grow, minimum strategies to ensure results and defining the double dialectical actions that ensure the generation of value. It integrates philosophy, sciences and actions in a unified field to manage the functionality, dynamics and evolution of adaptive processes.
Double dialectical reasoning allows being able to apprehend and manage the concepts and fundamentals of adaptive environments.
It uses conscious adaptive reasoning processes, which require using abductive, inductive and deductive reasoning.
Conscious adaptive reasoning requires managing ambiguous language in order to apprehend the ambiguous structure of adaptive environments, their concepts and fundamentals to design their functionality.
The use of double dialectical reasoning allows emulating the structure of adaptive systems and developing fallacy-free abductive reasoning.
In this context, abductive reasoning is necessary to manage the dynamics of complex adaptive systems and double dialectical reasoning allows managing abduction processes.
Double dialectical reasoning drives towards double dialectical actions that allow transforming abductive, inductive and deductive reasoning processes into value adding actions.
Why a Fundamental Approach?
The Unicist Evolutionary Approach is a fundamental approach to businesses, which manages their root causes and integrates a strategic approach to business functions, business intelligence and data management to generate sustainable growth. This approach integrates business growth with profitability and sustainability to increase the business value.
The unicist evolutionary approach emulates the triadic organization of nature to foster the evolution of organizations and ensure their sustainability. Evolution needs to be managed to build sustainable organizations in adaptive environments.
The research of business functions and processes that has been developed since 1976, allowed defining their fundamentals.
The unicist fundamental approach to businesses has several precedents:
- Fundamental Analysis that allows defining the intrinsic stock value
- The Ishikawa method to manage root causes, based on the fundamentals of manufacturing quality
- The Overall Equipment Effectiveness method, of Seiichi Nakajima, that manages the fundamentals of effectiveness
The main epistemological precedents of the structure of fundamentals can be found in:
- The triadic universal categories of Charles S. Peirce
- The “Category Theory” of Samuel Eilenberg and Saunders Mac Lane
- The fundamentals of learning processes of Jean Piaget
- The triadic structure and unified field of the TAO
- The conceptualization of Immanuel Kant
- The first principles of Aristotle
The first principle method applied by Elon Musk is a fundamental approach to problem solving.
Organizational sustainability is based on the use of unicist universal strategies that allow developing future scenarios and building maximal strategies to grow and minimum strategies to ensure results. This unicist strategic approach emulates the functionality of living beings in nature. This unicist evolutionary approach drives the sustainability of organizations ensuring the achievement of short- and long-term objectives.
The Unicist Root Cause Library
The functionality of things is defined by their underlying concepts. The structures of essential concepts are cross-cultural and timeless while their operational values are environment dependent.
The development of structural solutions and the solution of the root causes of problems requires managing the concepts and fundamentals that underlie the functions involved.
The organization of knowledge groups to transform concepts and fundamentals into systemic solutions is recommended. It requires having a real problem to be solved to approach the concepts and fundamentals that underlie the functions involved.
This library gives access to the ontogenetic maps of the concepts and fundamentals that define the unified field of business functions and allow managing their root causes. It is based on more than 5,000 researches developed at The Unicist Research Institute since 1976.
The Basics
The Unicist Research Institute
Main Markets
• Automobile • Food • Mass consumption • Financial • Insurance • Sports and social institutions • Information Technology (IT) • High-Tech • Knowledge Businesses • Communications • Perishable goods • Mass media • Direct sales • Industrial commodities • Agribusiness • Healthcare • Pharmaceutical • Oil and Gas • Chemical • Paints • Fashion • Education • Services • Commerce and distribution • Mining • Timber • Apparel • Passenger transportation –land, sea and air • Tourism • Cargo transportation • Professional services • e-market • Entertainment and show-business • Advertising • Gastronomic • Hospitality • Credit card • Real estate • Fishing • Publishing • Industrial Equipment • Construction and Engineering • Bike, motorbike, scooter and moped • Sporting goods
Country Archetypes Developed
• Algeria • Argentina • Australia • Austria • Belarus • Belgium • Bolivia • Brazil • Cambodia • Canada • Chile • China • Colombia • Costa Rica • Croatia • Cuba • Czech Republic • Denmark • Ecuador • Egypt • Finland • France • Georgia • Germany • Honduras • Hungary • India • Iran • Iraq • Ireland • Israel • Italy • Japan • Jordan • Libya • Malaysia • Mexico • Morocco • Netherlands • New Zealand • Nicaragua • Norway • Pakistan • Panama • Paraguay • Peru • Philippines • Poland • Portugal • Romania • Russia • Saudi Arabia • Serbia • Singapore • Slovakia • South Africa • Spain • Sweden • Switzerland • Syria • Thailand • Tunisia • Turkey • Ukraine • United Arab Emirates • United Kingdom • United States • Uruguay • Venezuela • Vietnam