Peter Belohlavek

Unicist Business Cobots to Enhance Efficiency by Complementing the Activity of People 3

Unicist Cobots are collaborative business robots that support and enhance human activities in organizations. They are designed at The Unicist Research Institute to manage the functionality of business processes and simplify operations. Unicist Cobots are based on the unicist functionalist principle, which focuses on understanding and managing the underlying functionality of processes.

These Cobots are made possible by the development of Unicist Artificial Intelligence (AI), which is based on the use of indicators and predictors derived from the Unicist Logic. Unlike traditional data-based AI, Unicist AI eliminates subjective bias by using fundamental rules and principles to develop automated solutions.

Unicist Cobots can be utilized in various business applications, including industrial processes, marketing, managerial tasks, and operational activities. They are classified into four types based on their functionality:

Operational Cobots: These Cobots support specific operational actions within business processes. They possess functional knowledge and utilize operational objects and entropy inhibitors to sustain their activities. Examples include CRM/CDP Cobots and risk management Cobots.

Knowledge Cobots: Knowledge Cobots are designed to support management processes and ensure the accuracy of decision-making. They incorporate quality assurance processes and utilize cognitive objects and inhibiting objects to ensure functionality. Examples include knowledge management Cobots and business intelligence Cobots.

Efficiency Cobots: Efficiency Cobots complement and enhance the efficiency of processes. They introduce adaptability to automated processes and employ binary actions to achieve desired results. These Cobots use systemic objects and catalyzing objects to ensure their functionality. Examples include project management Cobots and marketing Cobots.

Efficacy Cobots: Efficacy Cobots are designed to sustain efficacy by providing knowledge for decision-making, implementing adaptive automation, and ensuring quality assurance. They utilize indicators and predictors based on the ontogenetic map of the process they support. Efficacy Cobots employ all types of objects to ensure functionality. Examples include contingency room Cobots and innovation marketing Cobots.

Overall, Unicist Cobots are an essential component of the management of businesses in the 4th Industrial Revolution. They simplify operations, enhance decision-making, and increase adaptability, ultimately contributing to the growth and value of organizations.

Artificial Intelligence Interpretations

Bard-Google Interpretation

Unicist Cobots are a promising new technology that has the potential to revolutionize the way businesses operate. By combining the power of artificial intelligence with the flexibility of human collaboration, Unicist Cobots can help businesses to improve efficiency, accuracy, and adaptability.

As you mentioned, Unicist Cobots are classified into four types based on their functionality:

  • Operational Cobots support specific operational actions within business processes. They possess functional knowledge and utilize operational objects and entropy inhibitors to sustain their activities.
  • Knowledge Cobots are designed to support management processes and ensure the accuracy of decision-making. They incorporate quality assurance processes and utilize cognitive objects and inhibiting objects to ensure functionality.
  • Efficiency Cobots complement and enhance the efficiency of processes. They introduce adaptability to automated processes and employ binary actions to achieve desired results. These Cobots use systemic objects and catalyzing objects to ensure their functionality.
  • Efficacy Cobots are designed to sustain efficacy by providing knowledge for decision-making, implementing adaptive automation, and ensuring quality assurance. They utilize indicators and predictors based on the ontogenetic map of the process they support. Efficacy Cobots employ all types of objects to ensure functionality.

These are just a few examples of the many ways that Unicist Cobots can be used to improve business performance. As the technology continues to develop, we can expect to see even more innovative and creative applications for Unicist Cobots in the years to come.

Here are some of the benefits of using Unicist Cobots:

  • Improved efficiency: Unicist Cobots can automate repetitive tasks, freeing up human employees to focus on more strategic and creative work.
  • Increased accuracy: Unicist Cobots can be programmed to follow strict rules and procedures, which can help to reduce errors and improve the accuracy of decision-making.
  • Enhanced adaptability: Unicist Cobots can be adapted to changing conditions, which can help businesses to stay ahead of the competition.
  • Improved collaboration: Unicist Cobots can work alongside human employees, which can help to improve communication and collaboration within organizations.

Overall, Unicist Cobots have the potential to be a powerful tool for businesses of all sizes. By automating repetitive tasks, improving accuracy, and enhancing adaptability, Unicist Cobots can help businesses to improve their performance and achieve their strategic goals.

ChatGPT Interpretation

Unicist Cobots represent a significant innovation in the business world. By pairing human abilities with artificial intelligence, these cobots can increase efficiency, reduce error, and streamline operations in various industries and business applications.

The success of these cobots relies heavily on Unicist AI. The Unicist Logic upon which the AI is built allows for an understanding of the fundamental rules and principles of business operations, eliminating subjective bias and enhancing decision-making. It makes use of specific indicators and predictors that are deeply rooted in the understanding of the functionality of business processes.

The classification of these cobots into four categories – Operational Cobots, Knowledge Cobots, Efficiency Cobots, and Efficacy Cobots – provides a flexible and comprehensive approach to enhancing business operations. Each type of cobot focuses on different aspects of business processes and utilizes various types of objects to ensure functionality, which leads to optimized outcomes in their respective areas.

The Operational Cobots are essentially the taskmasters, focusing on specific operational actions within business processes. Knowledge Cobots, on the other hand, focus on ensuring the accuracy of decision-making by providing the necessary support to management processes.

Efficiency Cobots are about enhancing the overall efficiency of processes, introducing adaptability and making sure that the outcomes are as intended. Efficacy Cobots focus on maintaining efficacy by providing the necessary knowledge for decision-making and ensuring quality assurance.

The use of these cobots is not limited to any specific industry. Whether it’s industrial processes, marketing, managerial tasks, or operational activities, these cobots can be customized and employed to bring about improvements in efficiency and productivity.

Overall, the use of Unicist Cobots indicates a promising future for businesses in the 4th Industrial Revolution. They exemplify the integration of human intelligence with artificial intelligence to make businesses more adaptable, efficient, and productive. They can be viewed as an essential step towards enhancing the value of organizations, simplifying operations, and making decision-making processes more efficient and accurate.

Diego Belohlavek

Unicist Quality Assurance: the key to complex adaptive systems

Quality assurance is what introduces the necessary reliability to transform a business process into business objects. This allows building adaptive systems or introducing adaptiveness into operational systems.

Unicist Quality AssuranceQuality assurance is a characteristic that systems have, whether they include human action or not, to provide the accurate result to the point of being substituted by alternative systems in case of failure.

Nothing is absolutely certain, by definition, within the scope of science. When we refer to certainty we mean that there are at least three alternative plans in case of failure and that alternative processes have been designed to have a probability of failure of less than 0,01.

In order to assure this level of certainty it is necessary to count on a validation process in real conditions that ensures the result or output.

Diego Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.

The architecture and design of adaptive systems for work

Businesses are typical adaptive systems. We use the word “business” as a synonym of “work”. Businesses need to adapt to the environment in order to achieve the permanence of their transcendent goals and the personal goals of their participants.

Work as an Adaptive SystemAdaptive systems for work are entities that interact with the environment having the characteristics of a complex system but with an implicit and explicit duty to produce a predefined result.

Work is an environment that generates the need of adaptive systems in order to produce results and administrative systems to use and control the methods used.

The maximal strategy implies achieving or overcoming the planned results using procedures with the necessary flexibility and controlling them based on the feedback of the market.

The minimum strategy is based on using strict methods that use rigid procedures and intrinsic control systems based on accepted standards.

Diego Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.

Work Process Automation, semi-automation and adaptation

The unicist work process design has become the core of business process management in order to take advantage of the new technological solutions produced in the field of software and hardware and integrating with innovative peopleware solutions to increase the production of results.

Marshall McLuhan said that the “medium is the message”. This also applies to IT solutions. That is why to design work processes it is necessary to build the integration of peopleware, hardware and software. It requires using the unicist double dialectical logic that allows integrating this triadic structure.

Different levels of efficacy require having a different level of automation. It becomes extremely difficult to install different levels of automation in organizations.

That is why there are usually different job levels that assume different levels of risk. Top management is based on adaptive systems while middle management is based on semi-automated systems.

Automation is, on the one hand, a job-killer but, on the other hand, it enhances the quality of human activity and allows developing business objects to ensure processes for business growth.

The integration of automation, semi-automation and adaptive systems is the core of the job oriented workstation design process after the general process has been solved.

This approach allows empowering the introduction of new technologies integrating them with the results that have to be produced and the peopleware that drives to them.

Diego Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.

Peopleware: the Revolution in IT Architecture Building

The technological evolution of IT made the integration of hardware, software with peopleware possible.

Peopleware can be defined, in plain language, as the structure of attitudes that influence individuals’ activities.

Software can be observed because it establishes the interface of individuals with an activity.

Hardware can be perceived because the evident appearances of hardware can be observed but its functionality can be perceived through the possibilities it offers to software.

But peopleware is the deepest aspect of human activity and can only be intuited and validated using destructive and non-destructive pilot tests.

Peopleware defines attitudes. Therefore it deals with the deepest approach to individual behavior that deals with the human capacity of apprehending nature.

This implies entering the field of the unicist ontology of human behavior, the natural organization, the laws of organizational equilibrium and the apprehension of objects that emulate the organization of nature.

Organizational equilibrium is the purpose of peopleware. It has to be considered that organizational equilibrium needs to vary depending on the cycle of a business.

When growth becomes necessary, centrifugal forces need to prevail. But centripetal forces need to prevail when profit improvement needs to be achieved.

Learn more about Peopleware at:

Diego Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.

Unicist Predictive Interfaces for Adaptive Systems

The objective of the Unicist Predictive Interface (UPI) is to introduce adaptiveness into systems that require providing adaptive responses to different circumstances.

Unicist Predictive InterfaceThe development of the UPI became possible due to the rules of the Unicist Double Dialectical Logic that allow emulating the organization of nature.

This allowed inferring the evolution of all those aspects where the fundamentals of behavior have been discovered and modeled.

Fundamentals define and describe the drivers of the actions of a specific entity in nature.

Predictive interfaces allow developing reliable confirmations of diagnoses and predictions of the evolution of the environment where the fundamentals are known.

The building of predictive interfaces is upgraded based on new discoveries of fundamentals that allow expanding the application field using the same generic inference rules.

The UPI uses predictors that represent on the surface the behavior of the fundamentals of a given aspect of reality. The existence of predictors makes the management of fundamentals possible.

Diego Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.

The Concept of Internet as a Business Catalyst

One of the roles of Internet is to work as a business catalyst for the real world. It is a marketplace in itself, which works as a catalyst for the real world marketplace if certain conditions are given.

Internet as a Business CatalystThe purpose of Internet as a catalyst is to build a link between sellers and buyers. To achieve this goal it is necessary that the websites had demonstrated to have a gravitational influence on the market that is being influenced and the necessary critical mass to build a true complementation with the market.

This implies having a strong competitive capacity within the limits of a cooperative attitude with the potential customers.

Complementation building requires developing a functional link that is fully dependent on the value proposition that is made.

But at the same time it implies being able to build a personal link that deals with the personal benefits for the customers to achieve a true complementation, which requires that both the value proposition and the seller’s organization have been “bought”.

Diego Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.

Unicist Object Driven Organization: A Result Driven Model

The unicist organizational approach is based on emulating nature in organizations. An extremely effective organization can be developed integrating both structural aspects that sustain evolution and incidental aspects that allow dealing with conjunctures. Emulating nature implies integrating the abstract apprehension of reality with the concrete operational design.

Object Driven OrganizationA unicist object driven organization is a result driven model that, according to the predefined objectives, designs the necessary processes and uses and reuses business objects to produce the expected results.

An object driven organization implies the development of a maximal strategy that includes the design of processes based on logical procedures to put them into action and also a shared vision that makes these processes consistent with the business.

A strategy becomes successful if the necessary organization and the adequate work processes have been defined. This fact is implicit in the use of the unicist object driven organizational model. It is a way to organize the work using “objects” within the processes maximizing the productivity and quality of work and minimizing costs.

The object driven organization enables focusing on the necessary processes to develop maximal strategies while the objects installed provide the framework for the minimum strategies.

The use of business objects structures the timing and synchronicity of business processes. It also provides the necessary acceleration to achieve the needed critical mass and the required speed to adapt to the environment.

Objects are productive units that have a concept, an added value, the necessary quality assurance and a methodology to ensure the minimum strategy.

Diego Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.

Unicist Reliability System: An entropy inhibitor for teamwork

The respect and fulfillment of the agreements within groups on time

Groups make agreements to make work, research or learning more effective. These group agreements are not optional for their members. They are mandatory and cannot be renegotiated. Thus the developments of working agreements within the limits of the actual possibilities of a group are fostered. When group work turns to be reliable, results can be excellent.

Reliability is basic for any relationship and therefore necessary for any development. The commitment with the agreements implies the respect of others and ensures teamwork.

The fulfillment of the planned activities on schedule

Work, research and educative activities have been designed following the ontology and the corresponding taxonomy to sustain the efficacy of participants. The unfulfillment of the terms of delivery generates problems to participants. They will have to achieve the objectives in spite of not having the technology, tools, knowledge or information required to develop their activity.

The difficulty to produce results arises and so does the entropy of the system. This entropy includes the weakening of personal activities, the possibilities of an adequate teamwork and the bonds among the colleagues of the groups.

The delivery of the defined works on time

Work, research and learning activities imply the fulfillment of deliveries on a predefined schedule.

Communitarian responsibility and efficiency require the delivery on time. Time implies having the habit of reliability to develop value adding activities. Works have to include all the aspects that were defined that the participants would provide. Added value delivered out of time is a useless cost.

Access a synthesis on the “Discovery of the Unicist Ontology of Professionalism in Business” that is available at the Scientific Dissemination Program. You will find there other syntheses that might be of your interest:

Diego Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a global decentralized world-class research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.

IT Architecture: Using concepts as stem cells

The function of stem cells in the human body is homologous to the function of concepts in the field of human actions. While stem cells can give rise to specialized cells and thus organs, essential concepts allow building unicist objects.

Essential ConceptUnicist objects are adaptive systems that have a concept and generate added value within a quality assurance system to fulfill the purpose of the concept. Unicist objects are interdependent entities that integrate a complex adaptive system.

The knowledge of the essential concepts is basic to build unicist objects because these objects are the materialization of a concept.

Under certain conditions, organs can be transplanted and this is also the case of unicist objects that can be replicated as long as they belong to homologous and analogous entities.

Objects are inserted into processes to produce specific results. The same way stem cells have the potential capacity to give birth to human organs, concepts can give birth to objects to produce results.

The knowledge of the Unicist Theory allows using a double dialectical approach to reality to emulate the organization of nature using an object driven organization.

Nature is organized by objects which can be observed in the ecosystem. The human body is an example of the organization of nature, where organs are homologous to unicist objects. That is why the transplantation of organs became possible.

While the structure of the different organs of the body derives from the stem cells, the unicist objects derive from the essential function of an entity that is defined by its concept.

Properties of Stem Cells and Concepts

Stem Cells


They are unspecialized They are universal
They are capable of self-renewal They are timeless
They can give rise to specialized cells They allow building operational functions

Thus, stem cells and concepts are homologous. While essential concepts allow the construction of objects to insert into human adaptive processes, stem cells allow the building of organs that work as unicist objects to sustain the functionality of a complex adaptive system such as the human body.

Access a white paper on “Homology of the Unicist Theory with Physics, Biology, Stem Cells and Electricity” at: 

The concept of IT architecture is its “stem cell”

The ontology of the functional IT architecture is based on the integration of the elements that are included in software building.

The purpose of IT architecture is to fulfill the mission of the system that is being built. The mission implies following a concept and generating an added value, having an adequate quality assurance that makes the mission reliable.

When the concept is not shared, there is no possibility to develop a structural solution for a system. The concept represents the vision of the activity of the system and needs to be apprehended taking the necessary time to do so.

The active function, which defines the aesthetics of the system, is given by the information that is managed by the system. It needs to be based on the true “business model” because it has to satisfy its needs.

The business model is provided by the business architectural approach. Information must include adaptive aspects in order to manage the feed-back from the environment and administrative aspects to ensure the operation and control.

Peopleware: a breakthrough of the Unicist Approach

The energy conservation function is defined by the technology which sustains its solidity and is integrated by software, hardware and peopleware.

Access a white paper on “Peopleware: The Integrator of Hardware and Software” at:


Functional IT Architecture includes the use of software objects to build a system that has the capacity to adapt to the environment reus-ing the designed objects and just changing the processes in which they are immersed.

The design of the objects needs to be in accordance with the charac-teristics of the adaptive aspects of the system and the possibilities defined by the available technology. This approach allows simplify-ing the processes and minimizing the maintenance costs.

Diego Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.